Save dForce as morph for a specific pose

Hello there,
I'm using dForce to put more realism in clothes physics with poses. It is really time consuming to pose and simulate so I wanted to save some dForce results as morphs to reuse them when I use the same pose and clothes on other characters for example.
I followed this tutorial, it worked really well with the default G8 A pose. But when I try to do the same with a posed character I am not able to load it correctly with MorphLoader, the mesh go full "Mr. Fantastic" when I dial it :D
I tried several things during export and import steps but with no luck, like setting "Reverse Deformation" to Yes or giving the pose as input for the load.
Does anyone know what is the right process to create a morph for a specific pose (from a dForce frame would be the cherry on the top :D) ? Or maybe just some things that I could try to achieve that ^^
Thanks in advance,
You need Reverse deformations set and the pose still applied (so that the process knows what it has to reverse out).
Thanks for the answer :)
Should I also export it in the said pose or should I zero it out as stated in the guide ?
The guide says :
- Unparent the clothes
- Delete all other items (so unfit it too)
- Zero the pose for the clothes
- Export as obj (from the base resolution of course)
Do I still use the full process?
And when you say "the pose still applied" you mean the character should already be in the pose? Or to set the right pose in the load parameter here:
I usually have the figure posed, rather than using the option in the dialogue, but yes it is probably best to export with the figure posed (there's no need to delete everything else, just hide it) then when you import the morph have the pose still aplied to the figure but the dForce simulation cleared (otherwise it will remove that from the morph too, which will leave you only the rounding errors).