Undo/Redo history in Daz Studio

Hello everybody,
I was wondering if Daz Studio has an hidden history submenu/pane/function somewhere, that would allow me to jump through several actions in a single click.
Think Adobe Photoshop (a small pane), or borwser Back buttons (right click on it and the last-pages-you-visited list pops up).
I know Studio would need to go back one step at a time, but I'd like to set a target and let Studio take care of the iterations. This would greatly help with manual posing, especially if informational events were included (like "You selected %bodypartname% on %figurename%). It would also pave the way for a lot of new capabilities, like copying parameters from the history and pasting them to the current state.
Other question: last time I checked, history depth was not configurable by the user. I'd like to be able to specify how much memory should be allotted for the action history. Is this functionality available now?