DS 4.14 crashing

Up until this evening DS 4.14 was working perfectly on my computer. I then dloaded a 4.14 upgrade from Install Manager, and that's when things started screwing up. First there was the error message that the Dreamlight files (Scripts/Support/Daz folder) were missing. I did a full system restore to try to retrieve them, but that didn't work. DS just didn't open at all. I then followed instructions on the webside to uninstall all DS software and Postgre files, then reinstall them. The first time I tried to start DS it went as far as "Creating Main Window" on startup, then quit. I then rebooted the computer. This time DS went all the way and opened, and stayed open for close to 15 seconds before it crashed. And that's the way it's been.

As I said until I dloaded the upgrade everything was fine. There were no problems at all with DS. Now, I can't even use the program! I posted a Help ticket on the subject, and figured I'd post something here because I need an answer ASAP. I've got a couple of important projects going which I need DS 4.14 to work on.


  • Have you tried the Public Build (beta)? If it's some kind of corruption in a settings file that should be good.

  • Thanks for the response. Next question...it's stupid, yes, but where do I find the public build?

  • I did find the Public Beta but I also discovered I had, on another hard drive, the installation exe for Studio 4.12. I'm tempted to remove 4.14 from my computer and re-install 4.12 but what would happen to the files I created in 4.14? More importantly what would happen to the number of G8F characters I created? Would I lose their morph data as well? And would I still be able to use some of the apps I've added, like Face Transfer Unlimited, Skin Builder 8, and the face and body morph apps I have?

    I really wish I could turn the clock back and ignore that 4.14 upgrade that was on my IM - that upgrade had to have been corrupt since it messed up the DS software and support files to the point where I can't run DS at all. I had absolutely no problems with DS prior to installing it.

  • Files should open in 4.12.x.x. I don't think installing 4.14 is the root of the issue, unless something went wrong with the installation process itself - that's why I'd like to see the results of installing the beta, which is mostly separate from the Geneeral Release; if it works then the issue is specific to the general release channel, if not it's one of the shared aspects (or a system issue).

  • There were two IM files - IM00012000-45_PublicBetaContent1DS and IM00012000-43_SceneBuilderforDAZStudioPublicBeta. The first one contains Content/Data/Daz3D/Beta Content/placeholder. The second one contains resources/SceneBuilder.json. Is this the one I need to install? I hate to sound dumb...and I apologize if I do.

  • Installed the SceneBuilder.json. It took three tries for it to open up to the main window, then it again crashed, same as before. I'm going to remove 4.14 completely and re-install 4.12 and pray there's no problem. FYI - I  tried all my graphics programs (Photoshop, Manga Studio, etc) and had no problem with them crashing or anything, so I can be reasonably assured there's no problem with my graphics card or anything since this problem only rests with DS. I will tell you that I installed Octane earlier last week (downloaded it from their website), and uninstalled it the day before this problem started. I doubt that could have possibly caused the problem since it started after I dloaded the 4.14 upgrade. I'm trying to think of everything I have done over the past few days - in the event there might be another reason. Thank you for your time.

  • grafkdesigner said:

    There were two IM files - IM00012000-45_PublicBetaContent1DS and IM00012000-43_SceneBuilderforDAZStudioPublicBeta. The first one contains Content/Data/Daz3D/Beta Content/placeholder. The second one contains resources/SceneBuilder.json. Is this the one I need to install? I hate to sound dumb...and I apologize if I do.

    The beta has to be installed through Install Manager.

  • I did try that but it wouldn't load so I did it manually. I'll try it again.

  • I tried it again, and again it didn't work. This time I attached a screenshot. Name and version could not be filled in, and path was installed to take it to the file on C drive where the software's resource folder is located.

    Install error for Scene Builder for Daz Studio Public Build + Beta+.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 252K
  • That's Scene Builder for the beta - you must install the actual beta version of the application first, then DIM will know what to do with the add-ons.

  • Where do I find the actual beta version? I think I have one but it dates back to DS 4.5 or something

  • I found the earlier beta version - I've included two screenshots - the IM file, and the contents of the IM file. It's for DS4.9, so again I'm worried that if it works I will lose all the G8F characters I've created.

    Default resources for DAZStudio49.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 325K
    Default resources for DAZStudio49 file opened.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 300K
  • Those are the default resources, not the application. If you have purchased the free beta it should appear in DIM, along with its plug-in versions, as long as the Download Filters are set to include software.

  • Where do I "purchase" the free beta? I've been all over the website and see no free beta. The only thing I've seen is downloading content manager

  • the problem is solved. thanks

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