server overload? dropped a few hours ago and can't stay connected now.

"Install Manager has lost connection to the Daz 3d store. Maximun allowable connectins exceeded."
Note ... this is lost connection .. not a cannot connect issue.
first one was two hours ago
And since I just completed a purchase |
I logged in again and it went back down with the same message.
I know richard and Jack.. this is a snide comment coming up...
Again I remain amazed at how well the servers necessary to create sales stay up (comparatively speaking)
and the delivery system has issues.
Just in passing .. after ten years I have way to much invested to walk away
but I've noticed a lot of what appear to be new users who aren't happy.
Daz is still a nice starter program and doesn't requre the learning curve of alternative programs that would just be targets for using the products.
And isn't daz needed as a bridge..
So no, I don't want daz to go away... would like it to run better?
>>> tjos os a totally new event, never happened before ..
and yes I ahve internet .,. I'm using it now.
And clicking the okay button on the dialogue box takes the DIM iitto the spinning hourglass of forever and even to come back to offline mode it requires death by end task and being restarted.
This last time it did decide to close the dialgue after 20 minutes

I am experiencing the same problem. Just in case it matters to those who resolve these issues: I have a similar amount of content.
11,500 items ready to install.
1,419 items installed.
Total: 12,919 items.
(With about 45 items from a recent purchase that aren't showing up at all.)
It may be a coincidence, but the "maximum allowable connections exceeded" issue started after I ran DazCentral yesterday. I don't normally use DazCentral, but the ability to view large thumbnails for products makes it much easier to find what I'm looking for. If only the store had a way to confine the search results to items already purchased!
Same problem here - has anybody submitted a ticket on this?
I think this is part of the general server issues.
I was able to long on yesterday long eeough to download the items I bought on the 5th and 6th late night on the 6th .
But was knocked off the server sometime later.
I admit I often leave DIM open figuring the once it's updated the files to download .. it doesn't do anything until I say download
But it looks like it does keep in touch even when you''re done downloading.
So in a way droping you after X amount of inactivity is logical
but still a pain because of the wait while it resets itself ...
Now it's back to going throuth the login motions but giving me the dropped connection message but since it never connects I would guess that the prrt of the message that says the number of server connections has been exceeded simply means No room at the in to login.
In my case because of having to balance available bandwidth at different times of the month ... an auto downjload option still wouldn't work for me.
but hoping for a fix pretty quick ... If we can't get our new things quickly we get upset.
And actually I did go an down load a couple from the product page before I could reconnect via DIM ... so it's routing issues etc.
it's 3:30 pm PST and when I could not log on was at 12 to 4am ... so just server overload issues early in the sales day.
I did just go purchase my current cart and will try to get it now, too. --- well we managed 20 minutes of download with a couple of the big ones failing and now we're off again.