how do I access the environment options of a project now is this a DAZ bug?

PitmaticPitmatic Posts: 919
edited December 2020 in Daz Studio Discussion


Under the latest version of daz if i load my existing projects i get i new tone mapping and enviroment options objects in the scene ok fair enough if I delete these the equivilent existing menu options in render settings vanish... how do you get them back?

Also if I create a New scene I have no enviroment or tone mapping options either as a new object or in the render menu what am i doing wrong???



Post edited by Pitmatic on


  • PitmaticPitmatic Posts: 919
    edited December 2020

    so in the screenshot you can see enviroment and tonemapper are missing with a new project


    But a project that was created previously has the options is this a bug or is it user error?

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    Post edited by Pitmatic on
  • Don't delete the nodes. if you do, either a render/Iray preview will recreate them or you can add them manually from teh Create menu - but you will lose the previous settings.

  • PitmaticPitmatic Posts: 919

    Thank you Richard 

    OK so when creating a new project I have to do a render to get the tone mapping and Enviroment options to appear is that correct?


  • Or create them from the menu.

  • PitmaticPitmatic Posts: 919

    OK thanks Richard but it did used to have those sections automaticaly created in previous versions so whay the change? it makes more sense for them to be there from the get go surley?  (waiting for the airplane jokes now)

  • Pitmatic said:

    OK thanks Richard but it did used to have those sections automaticaly created in previous versions so whay the change? it makes more sense for them to be there from the get go surley?  (waiting for the airplane jokes now)

    Partly because there were similar settings in different places (Draw Settings and Render Settings) before. This unifies them. Its also offers at least the potential of enabling animation.

  • PitmaticPitmatic Posts: 919

    Thank you Richard

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