Getting a new computer soon, and I need some info about transferring Daz stuff to it...

As the title says, I'm planning on getting a new PC, preferably around Christmas. Here's the thing, though. I have a ton of stuff downloaded for Daz, that I really don't feel like redownloading. Is it possible for me to switch to the new PC and transfer Daz and everything I have on it currently to the new computer, or do I have to redownload everything again? And if so, are there any steps I can take to help minimize this issue? I really don't want to do that, personally, so I'm trying to avoid having to do so if I can. 


  • Did you kep the zips for the content after isntalling? If so you wouldn't have to redownload.

    The application and plug-ins will need reinstalling, as will some shaders and scripts (mainly older ones, 3Delight in the case of Shaders). Your content can go across as a copy of the content directory (or transfer the disc drive) - just tell DS where the content directory is and it will be able to find the files. You can either export* your userdata before moving the content across and reimport* that and product data on the new machine, rebuilding the database, or (with all Daz aplications closed) you can copy the Content Cluster for the database across (by default %AppData%/daz 3d/cms/contentcluster/) - the latter has the advantage of preserving things like New grouping.

    The trickiest bit is DIM/Daz Central since they do keep a record of exactly where they place files (unlike scene fiels anmd presets which just record the location within the content directory). The record goes in the Manifests folder - if you stil have the zips you could, after telling DIM wheer it should install now, simply copy that over, then in the Isntalled tab of DIM select everything, right-click, and choose the otpion to reisntall using the current path. Otherwise you could manually edit the .dsx files to point to the correct location. Of course if your content directory has the same name and location on both machines there will be nothing to change.

    * Content Library pane option menu (the lined button in the top corner, or right-click the tab)>Content DB Maintenance, then check the option and click Acccept; for reimport a second dialogue will open allowing you to choose what to reimport.

  • GatorGator Posts: 1,312

    I think a good way with re-installing content is if you used DIM - take a look at your installed list, it allows you to export to a csv.  In turn on the new computer, you can import the csv to a list of products to install.

    Also remember to back up your categories!

  • onixonix Posts: 282

    As an easy way to transfer things, you can just copy a Daz folder to the new computer then install Daz on top of all that and it should work.

    making the same drive letters is also a good idea

    I just did that and it eventually worked  

    Not sure where pointers to the content directory are stored because everything went back including even workplace configuration but I had to restore those pointers manually

    just don't forget CMS directory which is essentially not needed for work but if you miss it strange things happen I forgot it and all iray shaders disappeared. 

  • onix said:

    As an easy way to transfer things, you can just copy a Daz folder to the new computer then install Daz on top of all that and it should work.

    making the same drive letters is also a good idea

    good luck with 500GB content ;-)

  • onixonix Posts: 282

    Masterstroke said:

    onix said:

    As an easy way to transfer things, you can just copy a Daz folder to the new computer then install Daz on top of all that and it should work.

    making the same drive letters is also a good idea

    good luck with 500GB content ;-)

    Hmm, I don't see any problems with that. probably you will just place the entire HDD as is in your new PC anyway.

    The bigger problem is digging up all obscure directories where Daz stores its configuration  as in my situation I spent all day trying to find out why daz lost shader presets.

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