2021 Rendering Pc ideas

hey guys this post is basically asking help for build daz render system
i decide to build pro render system for daz, my budget is 4.400 $ but i live in middle east, in here rtx 3090 = 2.600$ ( yes 1.100$ tax is insane :')
almost 1 year ago i start to use daz, i think i'm ready for next step, and this will be really big step for me because my current system is:
rtx 2060, 16 gb ram, ryzen 5 2600
and i want to build a system like this
ryzen 7 3800x
rtx 3090
2x 16 gb ram
msi meg x570 unify
corsair rmx1000x 1000w 80+ gold psu
msi mag coreliquid 360r
corsair icue 465x rgb tempered tower
this build cost me 4.400 $
i researched a little and someone tell me about rtx 3080 ti
what you guys think ? i have two option right now
first : I will build rtx 3090 system
second : I'm gonna buy everything but 3090 and i will use my rtx 2060 till 3080 ti released
lastly sorry for bad english, and thank you for answers :)
if you are buying such a hyper-expensive machine don't be stingy on RAM which is dirt cheap you definitely need more than 32GB aAt least 48 or better 64GB maybe windows 10 memory compression may help a little but better do not rely on it.
the rest is a matter of taste.
although if you already have a PC upgrading it will not improve your Daz performance at all. Daz is incapable;e of using more than 1 core, (in some occasions 2 cores), and not sure why but most of the time even that single core is barely loaded at all so on my computer CPU is usually working on 1.5ghz. Upgrading your PC will be a total waste of money unless you just upgrade the memory to at least 32 GB and any further upgrades are worthwhile only if you do it to stuff more memory. You will not notice any slightest improvement by upgrading your CPU and if you consider doing that CPUs with better single-core performance are preferable.
If you are willing to spend 4000$ on this idea, I would rather recommend you just to buy that rtx 3090 and stuff into whatever computer you already have what will give you an enormous performance boost
If you have even more free money then buy 2 rtx 3090 cards and run tye in parallel on the current computer and this will give you just insane performance. LOL
Your current machine is more than adequate already but upgrading it to a full 64 GB ram would be very desirable. In fact, I don't see the reason why you are even upgrading it because the new one is just very marginally better in general
speaking about video card I would highly recommend to chose it by how much memory available it has because rendering performance os not really that important(who cares if rendering takes 3 or 6 minutes) as the fact that you are very likely going to run out of GPU memory and then it will be a headache on how to optimize that scene to fit it in that available GPU memory.
Agree with onix on more RAM. Depending on what you do, just a single figure on a backdrop 32 MB will do you. Decent size scenes from the store plus a few figures I've used over 40 GB of RAM (I just checked myself as I want to build soon too).
Are you building or having a second computer built? I kinda depart on the CPU not being worth it, but I would hold out for the Ryzen 5000 series. It's a very big leap from the 3000 series, and a bit more from your 2000 series Ryzen. So you'll have pretty big gains in single core performance. I'm not sure, but I think that would impact your scenes loading, applying morphs, etc. For me that's impacting my workflow speed.
There's a benchmark thread you should take a look at. It appears the performance gain with a 3090 from a 3080 is a bit larger than with games (about 15% less time). Of course there's the $500 difference for that performance gap.
Whoops link -
you current system is better than my 6 years old current system... if I were you I would only add more RAM, 32 or 64Gb DDR4 memory, and nothing else.
I would not recommend a new graphic card only for using Daz Studio, your RTX2060 does more than my crappy GTX1060 6Gb for sure!
in my experience, asking for suggestions for new hardware is not a way to go...you will buy the products already "walking on your mind" since you thought to upgrade.
I'd rather get a ryzen 5700x than a ryzen 7 3800x. The 5700x has better single threaded performance which is important in daz.
Also a minimum of 64 GB RAM
The rest seems ok to me, for high end builds I'd rather get a lian li o11 dynamic xl case and some fans, but that might just be personal preference.
Here are some other cases too https://www.gamersnexus.net/guides/3534-gn-awards-show