filament refraction ???

Hi all, I'm doing some tests with refraction and I was curious about filament so I just thrown it in. Well it seems filament doesn't handle refraction at all, unless I miss something. Below an example first iray then filament, the two glass balls seem to be completely ignored by filament, and only the cubes are taken into account for rendering.
Scene file included.

640 x 360 - 99K

640 x 360 - 104K



256 x 256 - 13K

256 x 256 - 24K
Post edited by Padone on
It would be very surprising if it could handle refraction, although it can show thin-walled glass surfaces it just can't simulate lensing efect
They show up with the dome on for what it's worth. Filament can handle refraction according to the official docs, but I don't know if there's any difference with studio's implementation of it.
You probably already have it, but I here are the official docs: Filament ( Core Docs > Materials Overview is the sweet stuff.
If you'd prefer to leave the dome off, you can see that they indeed are there if you increase the glossy roughness. (first pic)
With the dome on, you can leave glossy off. (pic 2)
I don't think the iray shader is quite ready for filament. This thing might do better w/ it's own shader.
Thank you @Vaskania for your note. Doesn't handle refraction but at least reflection is there and we can see something. Of course without environment there's nothing to reflect.