DAZ3D Bridge not appearing in automate for PS CC 2021

Hi there,

New to the software, and my renders aren't nrealy crisp enough once I put them into photoshop. They're practically blurry despite rendering at a high enough size, so I thought I'd install the photoshop bridge to see if it would help. But I've run into some problems and I can't find anything substantive to help past 2016. (I'm on Mac)

Things I know I'm doing right:

-It is installed with the correct path to the photoshop application and not the plug-in folder

-The plug in does *appear* in the folder in the photoshop application files

-I can click the button to initialize the 3d bridge from Daz3D


But when I go into photoshop and click automate (steps from older videos say to do this), nothing appears. Anyone have any insight on what I can do to get this bridge working?


  • I'm not sure if the latest version is yet supported.

    What format are you saving the images in, and how bif are they? How blurry?

  • Saving as PNG because I need the transparency on the modles. Not sure blurry, but very clearly not as crisp as the background and other elements I'm porting in. Example screenshots attached. In photoshop, automatic resampling is turned off, and this last character was rendered out at Full HD 16:9/1080p 1920x1080, to be ported into a PS file with the canvas size 1600x2560 (and resized).

    If there's a way to bring the renders over at a better resolution, I'm all ears. I'm a novice at this. But if the bridge is the thing I need, I hope it starts to work soon. 

    Screen Shot 2020-12-02 at 1.12.32 PM.png
    1434 x 1068 - 2M
    Screen Shot 2020-12-02 at 1.14.31 PM.png
    1384 x 1362 - 3M
  • I'd call that blurry. It's not scaled, just placed over the background? If you are scaling from 1920 high to 2560 that both fairly substantial and, being a non-integer multiple, it's going to blur more than just the enlargement (roughly two-thirds of a render pixel to one final pixel). One thing to check is that you don't have Depth of Field on for the camera, or at least that if you do the focal area includes the items you are rendering. Also check the Pixel Filter in the Editor tab of Render Settings - that can add softness, though it shouldn't be as pronounced as that.

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