hi i was wondering if someone can help me with car damage

does anyone know if theres a set on daz3d that puts scratches on cars or adds dentt to them.ty so much also iam looking for iray cracked windshields and cracked headlights so please if someone can respond asap cause i need it for a project iam doing thanks very much
the easiest way to add scratches or cracks is just by using iray decals there are products available for that but you probably will be better by looking for your own pictures on the internet and using them. because you will need quite some tweaking anyway
sharp deep dents may be technically impossible because your model may have not enough geometry in that place but you probably can use bump maps or displacement maps to some extent.
Alternatively, you can find some pictures of broken car extract desires places from the picture and create iray decals to put them on your model but they will be just painted on the surface not a real thing.
You could use the geometry editor with mesh grabber. Mesh grabber can push in/out part of the mesh. Alternatively you could do the same by exporting to Blender and back again. That would take more work though.
Or use a dStroyer, maybe?
(just kidding)
Only in Dazland, you want to get your car damaged and you are even willing to pay to get it done