Daz Studio Interface lags when moving items...

jpetersen1jpetersen1 Posts: 148

A scene is loaded. Materials are applied. Everything works smoothly.

Then you have to adjust things, move them around, turn some of them. Nothing major. No more items added or removed, no more materials adjusted, just tweaking the positions...

At first it takes a couple of seconds for the menu or pane to respond. Then 3 or 4 seconds. Then 10 seconds, then 15 seconds. After about 15 minutes, it becomes almost impossible to select things. After 20 minutes, the software is almost unusable. After half an hour, the response time is so slow it is unusuable, and not all the items have been put in their final positions.

I have 128 GB of RAM and a very big hard drive.

Does anyone know what is causing this behavior? Is there a way to prevent it?

I can't figure out what is happening. Is the Undo buffer eating up all the memory or is it something else?

Post edited by jpetersen1 on


  • Smoothing Modifiers can bog things down, it's usually worth switching them off until later. Adjusting psoes can be slow as the ramifying effect on linked JCMs etc. has to be be calculated.

  • jpetersen1jpetersen1 Posts: 148
    edited December 2020

    I'll try turning off smoothing modifiers.

    What is odd about this problem is that it does not happen at first. Even if all the assets are in the scene, the software works normally. Then it becomes incrementally slower as things are moved or turned. It doesn't even have to be a human figure or animal. It might be a bunch of books or chairs or rocks. If you try to arrange them, shuffle them here or there, the software gets slower and slower.


    Quitting DS and re-opening and re-loading the scene doesn't fix it. There's still too much lag to complete the scene.

    Post edited by jpetersen1 on
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