Discovering corrective and flexion morphs from a DUF file

Hi there,
I'm working on a Houdini digital asset for reading and loading DAZ characters from DSON files. It's working pretty well, but one thing I can't figure out is how to discover which JCM files I should load and apply (from supporting DSF files) for a character in a given DUF file. Is there a canonical way to discover and know which corrective morphs apply to which character?
As an example: if I read the content from /People/Genesis 8 Male/Genesis 8 Basic Male.duf, there is no mention of the associated flexion and corrective morphs from /data/Daz 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/Daz 3D/Base/BaseFlexions.dsf and BaseJointCorrectives.dsf. If I start by loading a DUF file, how should I discover them?
The only place I have been able to find that references both the DUF and the DSF corrective morphs is the DSX file for the character asset, in /Runtime/Support/DAZ_3D_42071_Genesis_8_Starter_Essentials.dsx. However, that contains a ton of other stuff unrelated to the Genesis 8 Male character.
Thanks for any help or advice you can give!
What are you wanting? The links between two properties will be listed in one of the .dsf files - DS reads all the .dsf files in on loading the figure (which is why they don't need to be refrencs directly from the figure file) and builds a list of properties and links (which is why loading can take a while). If you want to set up a figure without invovling DS I think you would need to do the same.
Hi Richard! My goal is to load DAZ characters inside Houdini without the need to export from DAZ as FBX. As part of this, I want to discover, build, and drive the corrective morphs inside of Houdini too. So it sounds like I need to:
I will give that a try. Thank you!
The DSX file will show that files cpme from the same product, but it won't show if one product has links to another (e.g. many characters have corrections, which will be listed in the metadata, to things like the base expressions, which won't).