Clothes Problem

Good day everyone.
There is a problem with clothes in the Unreal Engine 4 game engine, if you transfer a figure with clothes, then when the animation is played, the skin of the figure penetrates through the clothes.
I need to get rid of these skin penetrations.
I tried to hide unnecessary skin areas under clothes, but there are not always enough polygons on the figure to accurately remove them under clothes. I tried to make a transparency mask for the figure skin, the same result is not very good, it did not work out to 100% fit the mask to the clothes and in some places holes are visible. I think that the only option is to tightly weld the clothes to the figure, but I don’t know how to do it correctly in Daz3D. When exporting a model to FBX, you can choose to connect the clothes and the figure, but it does not work 100% and the skin is still visible in some places.
I really hope that someone can tell me how to solve this problem with visible skin from under clothes or how to weld clothes to a figure tightly in Daz3D.
The simplest way is if you can hide the figure geometery under the clothing
It sounds like you've tried that though. A couple other things that can help. Remove the subdivisions for the clothing and figure before exporting. This might adjust the fitting better for the non-subdivided character in Unreal. If the clothying has the properties for it, I'll size it up just a tiny bit to give more space between the character and geometry.
You can also delete figure geometry, but this can cause problems sometimes, so make sure you back up your character first.
Thanks for the advice, I just used the increase in the size of the clothes on the figure =).
You don't have to delete the geometry of the figure, but simply hide it and export it that way. All hidden elements and polygons are not imported, thus reducing the number of polygons on the model, which improves performance in the engine. For convenience, you can create a selection group to hide all unnecessary polygons with one click.