Any way to know if a facet is selected?
It's pretty easy to find some information from facets and vertices in a mesh node. Yet I did not find a way to know if the facet is selected or not by the "Geometry Editor" selection tool (using geometry editor as active tool). I speak in the case where only one or a few facets are selected (but not a full Face Group, Surfaces, Region or selection set). I wonder if it is possible by script to say this face is selected and this one not, or if it is obligatory to create a complete plugin instead (because it seems that pluggins can access this)?
The Geometry Editor tool tab lists the selected facets.
I agree but I don't manage to access it by script.... Do you mean that I should try to access the Geometry Editor by script rather than the facets via the mesh?
Hello V - I hope you are recovering well.
This works for me...
Hey! Thanks a lot (again!!!) Praxis!
Stupidly I was trying to reach the information from the "Facet" variable, not from "Geom" one...
.. And for this reason I had not seen the "isFacetSelected(i)" function, which is clearly what I needed. I was indeed searching it in the wrong place. One more proof that sadly I'm not recovering as fast as I would want too (I'm so tired all the time now), I'm far FAR from being at 100% of my potential!!!...
This is why I'm so grateful for all the key elements you gave me these last week (this one and the "sleeping interface" trick). I find no way to thank you the way you deserve it! But really thank you!!!
You are welcome - I'm very happy to be able to help!
guérissez bientôt
Wow! And in French! well....
Merci du fond du coeur !