Window Panes (Tabs) Jumping Off Secondary Monitors(??)

I am running 4.14 Studio on my PC and have 3 monitors set-up on my GeForce RTX 2080 VidCard and today my undocked Window Panes 'jumped' off the secondary monitors when I attemped to reposition them.
It is almost like there is something that is not showing up pushing them when I sleect them with my mouse. At one point several of my undocked Windows were off the monitor and I was not able to bring them back even after deselecting them in the Windows>Panes (Tab) tool bar. The only way I was able to get them back on a visible window was to right click on the main window on my proimary monitor and select 'Add Pane (Tab)' .
Has this happened to anyone else and if so what caused it and how did you correct the issue?
Restarting the application has not resolved the issue and I would prefer NOT to uninstall Studio 4.14 if I am able to avoid it.
...awww crap!
It is happening with ALL versions of Studio. UGH, might be the card
I'm describing a Windows 10 setup here:
I'm not sure whether this is the same problem. However I have similar problems when the monitor scaling of one of my monitors is set to a different factor than the other one.
Windows system settings for my setup: Main monitor is 4K @ 150%, my second screen is 1K @ 100%. Dragging a pane onto the second screen leads to described jumping.
The problem is gone when both operate at the same scaling!
What also can happen is a crash on start of DAZ Studio when you position a pane successfully at a working configuration, closing DAZ. Now change the scaling of one screen and reopen DAZ. This may lead to a crash. Switching back the scaling solves the crash.
Thank you for the tip Mark....however, how do I address this when 2 of the three monitors are a much different 'scale' than the third?
Monitor 1 - 2560x1080
Monitor 2 - 2560x1080
Monitor 3 - 1920x1080
That is the issue, scaling for sure. Turned of the odd ball monitor, issue resolved. However, I would like to find out how to correct the issue when using all 3 monitors.
I also do not want to 'reduce the quality' of the larger monitors to satisfy the smaller
Unfortunately I don't have a real solution to this problen other then not using undocked panes on my second monitor. When it is not an undocked pane window usually they work just fine. Like for example the render output window.
In rare cases I change the scaling of both monitors to "meet in the middle" using 125%.
I have used multimonitors for years.. but with daz.. I think I solved it by getting the windows all ranged the way I want... content to left scene list and work window on the middle and on the right a window with para/suface/shape/render and then the tools palette
I then saved that as my workplace theme and then saved it has "startfile" and have daz open the "startfile" upon opening and it seems to have the pallettes locked in place.
But I don't move them much ... maybe to temp drag one into the center to read the fine print.
sorry daz.. I don't want filament or better iray..
I want a type size I can adjust in all the menus
I got this 43 in 4k so I can see the darm little blue dots when I'm modeling ... but the type isn't much bigger.