Timeline Crashing Issues

I'm using 4.14 pro but this problem has been plaguing me for a while but it's gotten to the point where I can't work around it. Essentially I cant use the timeline, at all. If I load a figure then click on the timeline to change frames Daz crashes 100% of the time. I'm pretty sure it's a problem on my end, I'm just not sure what. Everything else works fine but I just cannot touch the timeline...
Edit: Solved the issue. Had a corrupt file. Not sure why it only affected the timeline but I'm happy I fixed it.
Post edited by defectedsaint on
Hey there;
How did you figure out it was a corrupt file? I'm having a very similar issue since yesterday, now I can't render, Daz just crashes. :( New computer, GPU 3090, desktop, 128 gigs ram...I never had this happen on my older box :(
I have had Timelines where certain frame will crash my scene. These were normally frames between keyframes: The problem was "bad" interpolation. Some value interpolated to a degree it exploded a geometry or divided by zero or caused some other error generating a crash. There are choices for the inter frame interpolation, normally it is sort of a speeding up and slowing down curve but linear often works better to avoid making these crash situations.
My following suggestions are more for a timeline you can click on without crashing but there is a frame that crashes you.
if the crash frame is near the end of the animation the simple work around is to delete the end of the animation to the last keyframe that works, then rebuild it. If there is a lot to delete I would save it out as pose and shape ranges for the main assets to reapply later.
Selecting everything in a frame and using memorise objects and then restore object is a "heavy" way to add keyframe in to help populate keyframes and cut down interpolation. There are script to do it to the selected character which in general will stop situations where you animate a scene then see the previous frames have moved.
Basically I have made many that go wrong at some point, then learned that controlling the interpolation and forcing more character morph and shape keyframes into a time line helps avoid problems. Memorising and Restoring a whole scene is heave on keyframes Getting between keyframes saving a pose then loading it again is a lighter way to cut down on interpolation running wild.
With regards to Timeline crashing....
I have created an lot of animations. I use the graph to fix most of my glitches and perform repeative movements... At times with complex motions the graph will show that keyframes are going out of boumds.... This may cause a crash.
When you see that you have iut of bound glitches there is a easy fix... Drag your mouse around the section on the graph with glitches and select Linear and then select TCB. On the graph it is easy to remove sections of an animation or spread them out to remove shaky glitches.