I need help for how to recovery of smart content Pane.

Smart content Pane does not work correctly.
All Products with "Filter By Context" option,
the result is incorrect, too few.
I think it has relation to "Duplicate formulas found" error.
I already have resolved the error by did uninstall the problem product.
Anybody tell me how to recover of smart content function.
I am very trouble.
Is this for Genesis 8 (Female, Male, or both)? There have been a couple of products that have nroken the conmpatibility bases - try reinstalling the Genesis 8 Starter Essentials.
Thanks for your reply.
Your recomend is very useful.
My problem has resolved by
reinstalling the Genesis 8 Femail Starter Essentials.
(The problem occured Genesis 8 Female only not Male.)
Thank you.