
Is DAZ 4.14 compatable with windows 10?
The reason I am asking is, I open DAZ, then after using it for awhile I save my work, exit DAZ.
When I go to open DAZ again it won't open the program again. I click on the shortcut and it does nothing. The only way I can use DAZ again is to restart my PC.
Has anyone else had this problem, if so how did you fix it?
Also, I tried to run as administrator but I get an error message.
That sounds as if DS is not closing properly. There is an issue that can cause that, it's fixed in the current Public beta but there is a workaround if you are using the General Release - with DS running, Window>Panes(Tabs)>Aux Viewport. Open the option menu (the lined button in the top corner, or right-click the tab) and turn off the IPR Toolbar. You can now close the pane and DS should shut down cleanly (it may still take a few minutes, depending on what ahd been loaded, but it won't hang around indefinitely).
You aren't crazy, I have been having this exact same issue. Every single time I exit Daz lately I have to reboot the whole computer before I can use it again. Considering other weirdness I've been having with recently purchased items not downloading through connect, I just figured it has something to do with the store. Seeing you have the same problem, though makes me think it's something greater. Thanks for posting.
Oh, so you know, I haven't found a fix. I never tried the running as admin.
You can't run DS as an admin. It'll just toss an error.
They implemented that back in 4.11 and frustrated many of us that run only as administrators.
had to setup a secondary 'user' account and use shift+right click>Run as different user, just to use DS.
Thanks, it works now. That was getting really frustrating having to restart my PC all the time. Thanks again for your help!!
You can run from an adminsitrator account, just not as adminstrator. Unless you mean you had UAC turned off in the admin account.