[Fixed] Ibbie Broke My Context Filter. Help?

markgoode77markgoode77 Posts: 343

I bought VYK Ibbie a couple of days ago, and the first time I used the figure I found the 'Filter By Context' tickbox hid all G8 compatible products.  Since then no G8 compatible products are shown when the context filter is enabled for any G8 female (G8 male and G3 m/f are not affected).  I assume Ibbie is responsible, as I've made no other change.

I uninstalled the wretched Ibbie, and uninstalled/reinstalled the Genesis 8 starter essentials, but to no avail.  I've searched the forums but can see no other reference to this problem (congratulations to Daz for fixing the forum search by the way).

I find the context filter very useful. Can anyone help?


Edit: I just installed Macey and Chani, and the context filter now works.  Most odd.

Post edited by markgoode77 on
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