Tone Mapping, White Taming

I am using the new 4.14 beta and happy with it.  

I have a render set up and lit.  I got the lighting just the way I want it.  Skin looks realistic, hair color and specular looks great...  but the white in the charater's outfit is just overbearing. I could doctore the difusse color (bring the white color down) but I am not convince that is the bet way.  So I am finally taking the time to dive into Tone Mapping  (dah da DAH!!  (distant screams).  I used to understand it pretty well in the early days.  A lot has changed. 

SO, I am playing with all the tone mapping controls and seeing what they do.. but I want to ask here.  if I have the scene looking great except the whites are just too bright, what can I adjust to tame them without dimming the whole scene?


  • Firstly, If you're using items in Iray that weren't designed for it, tweaking their diffuse colours really is the best way to handle this problem (imo). Nothing should be pure white, and a dose of light grey in the diffuse channel can really help.

    Within the tone mapping settings, I'd look at reducing "burn highlights" if you haven't done so already.

  • dlm4001dlm4001 Posts: 196

    I did add a touch of grey in the diffuse channel and that really helped. The clothing is made for IRAY, but really white. I found tht no one thing got it right where I wanted it,  It took a series of things.  Grey in the diffuse channel, I little burn highlights adjustment, ISO film down a little, increased the shutter speed a little,  decreased the environment intensity just a bit (using IBL lghting).  

    I need to pull out the documentaion to see exaxctly what White point, and White Scaling do.  I thought this would do it, but not sure I a seeing much change playing with those.  Some reading would help.

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