DAZCentral install issue and DazToMaya issue

Hello everyone,

I'm posting here hoping to get some help, I will also say that I've already made a ticket regarding this but after more than 1 month of waiting for a response I've lost faith that I will ever get one.

The first problem is with DazCentral, every time I'm installing something it will do it until 60/70% and then revert to the install button. This is happening also with DazStudio itself (even if it actually manage to install it). The only way I have to actually install things is to go inside DazStudio and install them from there, making DazCentral useless. Now, this is also happening with all the bridges, asking me to install them every time I run DazCentral but always reverting back to the install button. I've tried to remove everything from the machine and reinstall it back but nothing changes.

The second one, could be related to the first but I'm not sure, regards the DazToMaya bridge. If I try to use it in Daz it will just do nothing while if I go to Maya and run it, a window will pop up showing me a code and asking me to put the Daz Serial Number. When I do so I get Serial Not Valid. I'm using the serial number for Daz Studio 4.x Pro [Free] found on my account page, is there another one?  Also, I have a license for Maya so it's not an illegal version.

Does anyone has experienced any of these issues? and maybe found a solution to it? I was really hoping to try the new dazToMaya feature (or the old one ><) so it's kinda disappointing not to be able to even run the plugin. 

Thanks for your time ^^


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