Platinum Club Plus Quarterly Membership

the Platinum Club Plus Quarterly Membership, used to be easy, just click and  done (basicaly), now it is not even there to renew, and I missing somethinbg here ?

I went to help, nothing there there  that answers this delima , sent in  a questiong,  I think it's still too early, no answer yet.

thought I'd ask here, maybe I missed the memo on the secrete handshake to pay/renew the Platinum Club Plus Quarterly Membership


  • XaatXuunXaatXuun Posts: 873
    edited November 2020

    forgot to include, this is the only thing I see, or sent to, when I click, add Platinum club to your invetory

    Want to re-subscribe?

    Just add Platinum Club to your cart and checkout. It will reactivate your subscription and add time to it.  <that's what I was trying to say, I click it, and just takes me to that page

    Post edited by XaatXuun on
  • XaatXuunXaatXuun Posts: 873

    still no renew option available,

    could use some help with this

  • XaatXuun said:

    still no renew option available,

    could use some help with this

    This is going to have to wait on support - you have sent in a ticket I think. It's not something the forum can help with.

  • XaatXuunXaatXuun Posts: 873

    dang,  feel like I'm the only one that can't add Platinum Club to your cart and checkout.


    yeah did it twice, goofed the first time, so it, didn't go through, second try worked, just afraid it's going to be looked at too late

    thanks for repling, I was getting that feeling of being ignored

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    Did you try this? You can't find it in the store when you bought it before - it gets hidden like other items bought before ...

  • XaatXuunXaatXuun Posts: 873
    edited November 2020

    justrpopping in to say I got it now

    Kerya said:

    Did you try this? You can't find it in the store when you bought it before - it gets hidden like other items bought before ...

    if email notification worked, I would had gotten that link quicker then from help,  yeah that was one of the links they sent me, first one  was a OOPS!, page didn't work

    I was throwwn off, seeing the PURCHASE, buttton,  I clicked it anyways just to make sure ( I was thinking the clicker wouldn't work, due to item already been purchased and was RED), and in the cart it went,


    Now I know next time, just go into my Product library,


    Thanks everyone

    Post edited by XaatXuun on
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