Do any content creators need ideas - hoping to turn one of my novels into a comic

I have been collecting DAZ content for several years now, hoping to get together what I need to turn my story into a comic. But some of the things never do get made (and some are to weird to get made without me telling you what I would need).
Most of what I need should also be usable by other people for historic, fantasy or steampunk renders. If anything is too exotic I'm willing to negotiate for getting it as an exclusive.
I won't give a complete list right now (unless someone shows an interest to work with me on this. But a selection of what I am hoping for would include:
- Flags and Banners for Napoleonic era armies (including some custom made MATs specific to the novel)
- Some custom made MATs for the Dynamic Uniforms (M4 and Genesis) - or new models of similar uniforms with custom MATs
- Hats that go with these uniforms
- A rocket launcher (artillery) but something that looks like it could fit into the Napoleonic Era (I'll give more details if someone is interested)
- WW1 style Tanks (particularly the British or German ones) once again with some custom MATs (possibly as an alternative to the historic symbols on them)
- Late medieval style houses and ruins of the same (or making ruins of some of the existing sets like from the Medieval Village series
- (Not sure if this is possible) some low Rez soldiers (or entire battle scenes with the same uniforms used before)
- Some battle field effects (like dirt fountains from artillery); trenches, craters etc.
And a bunch of other stuff. But let me first see if anyone is interested before I get into more details.