Help with positioning please.

Is it possible to have figures etc appear in the workspace as it is on the screen rather than some distance away? Explanation:  I am using Medieval Docks (SKU 11545) I wanted a scene where only a small portion of the dock was required and had scrolled (mouse wheel) right into the scene to a suitable spot, accessed content library and selected Toon Generations Toon Base Figure, nowhere to be seen. It showed up in the scene tab so I knew it had to be there somewhere. After much scrolling and re-sizing and transforming I eventually found the figure quite some way off (comparitively) It took an absolute age of  scrolling and re-sizing and transforming, again, to move the figure close to where it was required. By this time I have a dead arm, RSI (joking) and decided to give up. Surely there must   be a better solution to positioning figures and other assets. Your comments and guidance would be very much appreciated.

I apologise that this is so long winded.

Have a nice day.


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