Adding/merging content to a specific target

Hello. I'm sure this is a newbie question, but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere.

Could someone please tell me how to add/merge content to a scene to a specific target? I am currently using FG University in a scene and it's quite big. Everything I add or merge appears at a set point in the scene, and if I am using one of the other rooms I have to go through the laborious task of dragging the item just added all the way over from the point where it materialized into the scene. It can take quite a while - especially if one is adding multiple items.

I'm sure there is a much more sensible way of doing this. Any advice would be gratefully received.


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Hold down the Alt key while dragging the item from the library.  A target will appear showing where it will be loaded.

  • Hold down the Alt key while dragging the item from the library.  A target will appear showing where it will be loaded.

    Perfect! Thank you so much :)


  • raven449raven449 Posts: 46
    edited November 2020

    If you want the content right in front of you, make sure the target is vertical. For some reason the horizontal target puts it out of view for me.

    Post edited by raven449 on
  • Hold down the Alt key while dragging the item from the library.  A target will appear showing where it will be loaded.

    This works if I add in a new character, but then if I add a different pose to that character from a set of poses she jumps right out of the scene and i have to drag her all the way back in again. Is there any way of stopping this? As it stands it makes it very laborious dealing with these bigger environments. 

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    DawnStar said:

    Hold down the Alt key while dragging the item from the library.  A target will appear showing where it will be loaded.

    This works if I add in a new character, but then if I add a different pose to that character from a set of poses she jumps right out of the scene and i have to drag her all the way back in again. Is there any way of stopping this? As it stands it makes it very laborious dealing with these bigger environments. 

    Lock transforms on the root node, or hold Ctrl while clicking on the pose and deselecting the transforms on the root node (you can save that as your preferences to use when you hold Shift while clicking a pose.

  • I hold Ctrl, click on the pose, and a window pops up headed Pose Preset Load Options. Nodes is set to Root and Propogation to Recursive. If I leave those selected and press 'Accept' my figure will assume the pose and simultaneously be transported to the original point of entry some distance away. 

    If I change the node and progation to Selected and Selected Only respectively this still happens. In fact, nothing I change in this pop up window will stop that from happening.

    Even if I have brought in a new figure to this same spot via Alt and set-target, as you suggested, the moment I change the pose it will transport to this other set point in the set.

    I've tried this now on other large sets I have - PW Snorkel Island for example - and it's always the same. I add a character, move the character to the other extreme of the set, change the pose, and it jumps right back to the original position, and even sometimes just somewhere else distant at random. 

    The "Alt key while dragging the item from the library" solution you suggested works great until I change the pose, and then off it goes. I'm sure I must be missing something very simple, but I can't see it! Any further thoughts? :)


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Did you select the Hip node before applying the pose?

  • Did you select the Hip node before applying the pose?


    Hip node, Sir? Hip node? Nobody said anything about a Hip node.....

    But no, I hadn't.....and yes, that works. Yay!

    I can confidently say that, although there seems to be a logic to it now, left to my own devices I probably wouldn't have stumbled across that solution in a month of Sundays.

    Thank you!


  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,980

    Also, if the character should jump to an unwanted postion, ctrl+z will bring it back.

  • Taoz said:

    Also, if the character should jump to an unwanted postion, ctrl+z will bring it back.

    With the new pose still applied? If so.....brilliant!


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