Daz 4.14 grrrrrrrr!

Can anyone help out here please?
I've now installed 4.14, everything seemed OK for a few hours but now half my menu lists are going missing.
Example :- If I now go to the 'Render Settings' window, no matter what I try my menu will not show anything in the list past 'pixel filter'. I'm getting no Environment settings, no option to turn ground on or off... nothing!
A similar thing is also happening with other menus, like in the surface tab, not all the options I used to use are showing there any longer.
Is there a way to put these menus back to how they used be?
Post edited by jontaylor99 on
The workflow in 4.14 is slightly different. Environnement and tone mapping are now object you have to add to the scene for them to appear in render settings. In the top menu, click on "Create" and select "New environnement option node" + "New tonemapper option node".
Hope it's help ;)
This happened to me too and I solved by pressing the default button in the render settings. Thank you @PixelReaper for the explanation, now I see what those new nodes are for. Is there any official doc about this ?
No kidding. That is ticking me off. I call it my "oh S@%T" button. What gives
don't know :s ... I saw it on this forum https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/449356/daz-studio-pro-4-14-highlights#latest
This is just bloody stupid and very, very annoying!
I can't even get a simple 'draw ground' on now when I want to do test renders, because of how these menus have been changed.
I hate this new set up, it needs putting back to how it was.
The nodes will be created when you render or use Iray drawstyle. You can also create a scene with the Singletons and use Edit>Preferences>Scene (Daz Studio>Preferences>Scene for Macs) to tell DS to load it when creating a new scene.
That's as maybe Richard, but it seems a very slow and complecated method compared to how simple it was before they changed everything.
that's the price we sometimes pay for progress. filament is totally worth it, if you ask me
I had to get my old laptop out of mothballs because, as it turns out, the laptop has Open GL 4.1 installed while my desktop PC is only able to go up to Open GL 4.0. This means I will need to fire up the laptop every time I want to do a Filament PBR rendering. So annoying!
Filament is worth [very little] to me. But thats just me. To each their own
I'v a strange trouble with DAZ 4.14, sometimes the top menus change place, for example EDIT menu go all the lef of menus bar. For turn come back in right position, i must reload the Layout.
Someone has the same bug?
4.15 is out and very similar to 4.14, you can try out the 4.15 beta if it is more stable for you.
Are you force-quitting DS through Task Manager or the Mac equivalent?