RTX 3090 issue

First of all, I'm not an expert on hardware so please, be patient with me.
I've recently bought the new RTX 3090 graphic card and tested it on DAZ Studio; can't say anything bad about the rendering time, I mean it took it like 1 or 2 minutes to render a full scene (my last GPU was an Nvidia GTX 960, took it like an hour).
The thing is that when I use my new GPU while rendering, after a few secs, my pc starts beeping, it seems to happen when I play ultra quality in games too.
My power supply is 750W Gold, now I'm wondering if it's enough.
Thanks for the help.
Sounds like it may be a temperature warning. Do you have an application that can monitor CPU/GPU/internal temperatures? Maybe you need more cooling. If you only have one GPU, 750W should be enough. If the temperature is within the safe ranges, your BIOS may have the beep warning set too low.
If you hear a beep, it means your motherboard is well cooked. :) The 3090 outputs heat like a mini-microwave.
If you hardware isn't fried then replace the power supply and get a 1000W. The 3000 series are power hogs from what I have seen on review on youtube.
The 3090 eats ~ 350W max, that leaves 400W for the rest. Should be easily enough with a 200W margin (if the power supply is healthy).
As dijtul said, 350W of additional heat pumped into your case is probably the issue. Open up your case (usually just two simple screws) and see if it helps. If it does, you need more fans or a better case.
As dijitul said, the temperature warning was set too low at the BIOS, it never happened to me with last one, I guess this one is a monster xD
I'll buy more cooling just to be sure that I don't have more trouble in the future.
Thanks a lot for your help ^^
Depending on your CPU/components you're gonna need at least a 850 watt PSU, as the PSU 3090 will spike beyond 400W at times of high usage, but it's a good idea to use a PSU calculator just to be sure because a computer has more than just the CPU/GPU drawing power from it, especially if you use a lot of HDDs...
What are your render settings like? I have the 3090 as well and my times are considerably higher. I am doing very simple scenes which are taking me 10 mins or more
I have a 3090 and I run msi afterburner. I play games at fan speed 60 and Daz Iray renders at fan speed 100 or Max. No problems so far but I have a 1000 watt powersupply.