Spring Dynamics Manual?

Is there one available. Doesn't seem to be one in the installed files.
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Is there one available. Doesn't seem to be one in the installed files.
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Was going to snag this program, but seeing as there's no manual or tutorial on how to use the program I'm gonna pass until there is one, as it's just plain lazy... It's pretty irritating when PAs sell a tool with no real direction on how to use it!
Yup. Huge letdown. Hopefully it's just a dropped ball because of all the shop changes. But PAs and QA testers, please make a checklist of bare minimum requirements before you put it online.
Maybe little early to say, but the video that is included on the product page was pretty good to show potential & how it works. Whereas the product screenshots left me baffled earlier.
The video shows very quick the core concept and the pop-up for the applet which shows the settings. With a bit of playing, while referring back to product video, am pretty optimistic it will work out pretty good.
Step-by-step Manual would be a nice fall-back. But if you are animnating already think this may actually be pretty intuitive. Hopefully didn't jinx myself.
Yes, while having a bare mininum of the features are nice, there will be specifics in the program/script itself that will be much more complex and fine-tuned, such that a manual/tutorial would be much more beneficial.
Update: The applet has a question mark. Click it and you get a 2 page pdf. Explains for example "Follow" in applet only works if child bones are present. So for what I was doing, the bones I selected had no child bones. (Unless i make some lol).
FYI: this scene/animation took about 2 minutes to make, after watching promo video. Strength of spring ratcheted up for effect. First draft without any adjustments.
Link goes to Imgur - G8F all in metal Gold materials (no skin mats) with spring script applied to pectoral bones. (reading Richards sticky on nudity this should work).
I tried to emulate the video and wasn't having any luck. I just used a primative cylander and the follow checkbox wouldn't click. I'll try building one in Blender and see if that makes a difference.
I've started playing with and documenting my experiments with it.
Part 1 here - https://mooncraftrp.com/index.php/2020/11/16/thoughts-review-spring-dynamics-for-daz-studio/
Heads up, there is in fact a document with this product. I attached it to this post for you guys to quickly download.
[attachment removed - please don't share product files without prioor permission]
Follow isn't required. And follow only activates (automatically) when there are child nodes. Like if you select hip, then children for that are pelvis and abdomen lower, and all that children after that.
Just found out that Undo works for this script effect! That's awesome! Had opened and closed applet twice. Second was adding another effect. With undo, it just removed the 2nd effect.
There's no collision unfortunately. That's a pity. Even simple collision, against capsules or bounding boxes would have been good.
I think the object needs to have multiple bones. A primitive cylinder does not.The cylinder he showed in the demo video had multiple (10?) bones, so the cylinder could bend.
I was hoping it would also calculate the movement of an object parented to figure'a hand. The object always jumps outs of the hand. I was wondering if that is possible
I made a video with Spring Dynamics (it's not perfect and has some mistakes but it's just a test):
Spring Dynamics were added to the pectorals and the hair fringe bones.
Wow, great render, I'll definitely buy this soon, (Now that there's some documentation) but I'll have to wait until my next paycheck!
Thanks to MoonCraft3D review and instructions I decided to try it. For some reason, I am getting an error reading the script. And the log doesn't help with any additional information.
2020-11-17 18:06:07.178 Loading script: J:/DAZ Connect/data/cloud/1_77198/scripts/utilities/3d universe/spring dynamics.dse.enc
2020-11-17 18:06:07.191 Failed to load script: J:/DAZ Connect/data/cloud/1_77198/scripts/utilities/3d universe/spring dynamics.dse.enc
Any ideas what it could be?
Lots of scripts don't work when installed with Daz Connect. Uninstall in Daz Connect first, then install with DIM.
Thanks, barbult! It was it. DIM install works!
So can someone reveal where exactly the stupid applet IS?
No manual, okay fine fine fine. ... but... when one goes under scripts, and goes here, and goes there, and simply cannot find it, it gets a little irritating.
Try scripts/utilities/3d universe/spring dynamics
In case anyone hasn't found the manual ... it's here:
are there more examples of this script, no youtube DS gurus (Wp Guru, thundorm, davis, etc) are giving tests about it, that's some strange
and I'm considering buy it but dunno if worth the try and the invest.
I'm trying to simulate a simple sphere but nothing happens, the script is stuck on "1 of 1... applying original pose"
what im doing wrong?
it seems that does not work when you apply Animate blocks, when using Pupetter the script works with no problems.
and not all is jiggle boobs, tentacles are great and possible muscle tissue simulation:
Looks good at 2x Speed.
yes, it doesn't work with aniblock, you need to bake to studio keyframes
Answering to myself, I tried to simulate a sphere cuz I saw the video and they animate a belly that doesn't have bones so I tought... wrong.
From what I'm seeing you can't simulate anything that doesn't have bones (as belly or bottom), for someone maybe it's obv, for me not...
I'd like to know how they simulated the fat as the video shown but there's nothing that explain it.
Thanks, I did a baking and yes it works!
the fat on the video, well I did an animation with Belly morph at 100%, select abdomen as a node, no childs selected, apply script, done!, works!
works better keyframing at 10 frames, not every 2.
it's exaclty what i tried to do but it just ruins the animation (weird movement) and doesn't simulate the fat :(
don't animate with default settings and force applied at 70%
so what i have to do?
im trying different settings but idk, nothing seems work