Character skin seams.

I'm not sure what to name it, or where to place it. Just wondering if others are having the same issue. All my characters are for some reason show their shell seams, as to where the uv maps all connect. This is in filament and iray, including rendering/ rendered images. Is there any way to fix this or maybe I have something on I don't know about. 

249 x 513 - 188K


  • Are you downsampling (reducing the size of) the maps?

  • Not that I'm aware of, is there a way to check? I just loaded the pose and skin mats. I even zeroed and then loaded a new figure to make sure it wasn't the figure.

  • PaintboxPaintbox Posts: 1,633

    I had the seams in Filament with Millawa 8, which is a pretty recent character. Don't know where the seams came from either.

  • Iray does compress images (at thresholds set in the Advanced tab of render Settings) which might show seams, you could try raising the strong threshold and see if that helps. I'm not sure about Filament.

  • Saw this for the first time in filament on all G8Fs.  It's always there.  In Iray & texture shaded it looks fine at any zoom distance and angle.

    Have not made an effort yet to see if playing with settings will help.  Kinda like ToneMapping>ISO diff from 30.0 to 0.56 (thanks Mec3d for 0.56) when switching fr Iray to Filament.

  • PaintboxPaintbox Posts: 1,633

    There is a moment where DAZ studio seems to process textures, maybe that is it. The seams aren't always there.

  • Just double-checked to be sure I was not fibbing or fooling myself.

    3 G8Fs in scene, each a different character.  Each have seams between torso, arms and legs.  Even after filament finishes processing textures. 

    This seam looks almost like an issue with bump map in my case (disable most normal maps).

    Paintbox, can you say whether you have normals on, and post an image of arm/torso seam area?


  • PaintboxPaintbox Posts: 1,633

    Just double-checked to be sure I was not fibbing or fooling myself.

    3 G8Fs in scene, each a different character.  Each have seams between torso, arms and legs.  Even after filament finishes processing textures. 

    This seam looks almost like an issue with bump map in my case (disable most normal maps).

    Paintbox, can you say whether you have normals on, and post an image of arm/torso seam area?


    Not at the computer right now, but will check asap. Unless someone else can step in ofcourse.

  • Iray does compress images (at thresholds set in the Advanced tab of render Settings) which might show seams, you could try raising the strong threshold and see if that helps. I'm not sure about Filament.

    I tried this, haven't tried a render yet though, but in the preview it didn't work still. Also not sure, but filament wouldn't load my 2nd figure some reason for comparisons of the seams. 

    1390 x 865 - 549K
  • Just double-checked to be sure I was not fibbing or fooling myself.

    3 G8Fs in scene, each a different character.  Each have seams between torso, arms and legs.  Even after filament finishes processing textures. 

    This seam looks almost like an issue with bump map in my case (disable most normal maps).

    Paintbox, can you say whether you have normals on, and post an image of arm/torso seam area?

    I tried this lowering base bump to 1-0 and it did get rid of most of the seams completely as well with other details.


  • Just double-checked to be sure I was not fibbing or fooling myself.

    3 G8Fs in scene, each a different character.  Each have seams between torso, arms and legs.  Even after filament finishes processing textures. 

    This seam looks almost like an issue with bump map in my case (disable most normal maps).

    Paintbox, can you say whether you have normals on, and post an image of arm/torso seam area?

    I tried this lowering base bump to 1-0 and it did get rid of most of the seams completely as well with other details.


    Yup. have my bump at 2 (with no normals as I usually do) and changed to 0 and seams went away.

    Those seams are not there in Iray or texture shaded.

  • I've already got 3 tickets in, so if someone else could send this one in, so that Daz knows officially. Would be great.

  • I've already got 3 tickets in, so if someone else could send this one in, so that Daz knows officially. Would be great.

    I did thank you.

  • I have had this problem from time to time too, especially when I am using a PA created skin. I have managed to get this to go away by changing the UV maps from the Gen 3 Base Female to Victoria 7. 

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited November 2020

    Turning off mipmaps gets rid of the seams in character skins for me (in the Filament veiwport and render).

    Get rid of filament character seams.jpg
    503 x 186 - 25K
    Post edited by barbult on
  • Saxa -- SDSaxa -- SD Posts: 872
    edited November 2020

    Huh.  Interesting.  What bump strength do you have?  Have mine at 2.  Also how zoomed in are you?  From further out my seams aren't that visible but zoom in like your head is next to seam in RL, and it's very visible.

    Did not update/merge menus yet (is thay why?)_, so I had to use create menu to add the "Filament Draw Options" node.  The Tonmapping & Enviornoment Nodes were added auto from start.  Use the Create menu for all kinds of things so can't see why different.

    So with Filament Draw Options Visible, did toggle the MipMaps off/on, and flipped between render engines, and preview styles a few times in case something needed a refresh.   Still no change.  Whereas Bump map change to aero again makes the seam 100% disappear.   Also did a render but with it set to viewport, result was identical.  Seam is there.


    Post edited by Saxa -- SD on
  • PetraPetra Posts: 1,156

    Those seams should not be there, a tester would have noticed that and reported it before it goes in the store so that the vendor can fix it.

    Not sure how Daz3D handles testing though.


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    Huh.  Interesting.  What bump strength do you have?  Have mine at 2.  Also how zoomed in are you?  From further out my seams aren't that visible but zoom in like your head is next to seam in RL, and it's very visible.

    Did not update/merge menus yet (is thay why?)_, so I had to use create menu to add the "Filament Draw Options" node.  The Tonmapping & Enviornoment Nodes were added auto from start.  Use the Create menu for all kinds of things so can't see why different.

    So with Filament Draw Options Visible, did toggle the MipMaps off/on, and flipped between render engines, and preview styles a few times in case something needed a refresh.   Still no change.  Whereas Bump map change to aero again makes the seam 100% disappear.   Also did a render but with it set to viewport, result was identical.  Seam is there.


    Your experience is the opposite of mine! I used Latonya 8 in these screenshots. With mipmaps on, she has bad seams. With mipmaps off, her skin seams are completely gone, without making any change to bump or normal. However with mipmaps off, there are lots of moire type artifacts. These screenshots are with Texture Resource all the way up on Quality.. When I zoom in, even with mipmaps on. the seams go away.

    With mipmaps on, so the seams show, I changed the skin bump from here default 5 to 0 and changed normal from her default 1 to 0. It made no difference that I could see. The seams were all still there. 


    Latonya mipmaps on.jpg
    1746 x 1187 - 233K
    Latonya mipmaps off.jpg
    1775 x 1207 - 278K
    Latonya 8 mipmaps on bump normal 0 .jpg
    1651 x 1768 - 311K
  • DaventakiDaventaki Posts: 1,624

    Mine is acting just like Barbults, if I turn off the mipmaps the seams disappear turn it back on they reappear.  I had originally messed around in the surfaces turning everything off and it did not fix the issue.  This was with Millawa.

  • Saxa -- SDSaxa -- SD Posts: 872
    edited November 2020

    Oh hey, this is great!  Thanks guys for checking.  smiley

    Don't have Latonya nor Millawa.
    So below are some of the other G8F characters.
    I did update/merge menus and opened and closed several sessions.  Just in case need to activate something in backend.  Doubt it.  But just to be safe.  That said I still don't get the auto addition of Filament Draw Properties.  So I added again via Create sumbmenu.  When mipmaps is toggled, it redraws the filement preview every time.  So it is recognizing it.

    Interestingly, Victoria 8 is pretty much without seams.  Very hard to see.  Freja & Josephine are the worst and very visible.  Babina head is perfect without a seam, but arms have slight seams.  I did disable skin normals maps for all, and standardized Skin Bump to 2.0 for all.  And all these screenshots is with MipMaps off.

    The stark difference in visibility of seams between these Das Originals would lead me to believe they likely have different UV padding values when they were baked.  Did not look because, I have so much other stuff to do.  But with you guys being here and testing stuff, I put my stuff aside so I could at least test too.

    Any chance either of you have Freja or Josephine?  And could test sometime?


    FilamentSeamCompare - Actresses.JPG
    2556 x 1391 - 328K
    FilamentSeamCompare - SeamHead.JPG
    2559 x 1389 - 304K
    FilamentSeamCompare - SeamFreya.JPG
    2559 x 1389 - 297K
    FilamentSeamCompare - SeamBabina.JPG
    2559 x 1395 - 284K
    FilamentSeamCompare - SeamJosephine.JPG
    2559 x 1398 - 337K
    FilamentSeamCompare - SeamVictoria.JPG
    2557 x 1399 - 356K
    Post edited by Saxa -- SD on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872


    Any chance either of you have Freja or Josephine?  And could test sometime?

    I don't have either one.

  • barbult said:


    Any chance either of you have Freja or Josephine?  And could test sometime?

    I don't have either one.

    Well thanks for the interesting info re: MipMaps!  Maybe somebody else passing by interested in this will also do test and post results.  Not really an issue for how I will use filament right now, but still would be nice.

  • PaintboxPaintbox Posts: 1,633
    barbult said:


    Any chance either of you have Freja or Josephine?  And could test sometime?

    I don't have either one.

    Well thanks for the interesting info re: MipMaps!  Maybe somebody else passing by interested in this will also do test and post results.  Not really an issue for how I will use filament right now, but still would be nice.

    I could try Freja later on

  • barbult said:

    Huh.  Interesting.  What bump strength do you have?  Have mine at 2.  Also how zoomed in are you?  From further out my seams aren't that visible but zoom in like your head is next to seam in RL, and it's very visible.

    Did not update/merge menus yet (is thay why?)_, so I had to use create menu to add the "Filament Draw Options" node.  The Tonmapping & Enviornoment Nodes were added auto from start.  Use the Create menu for all kinds of things so can't see why different.

    So with Filament Draw Options Visible, did toggle the MipMaps off/on, and flipped between render engines, and preview styles a few times in case something needed a refresh.   Still no change.  Whereas Bump map change to aero again makes the seam 100% disappear.   Also did a render but with it set to viewport, result was identical.  Seam is there.


    Your experience is the opposite of mine! I used Latonya 8 in these screenshots. With mipmaps on, she has bad seams. With mipmaps off, her skin seams are completely gone, without making any change to bump or normal. However with mipmaps off, there are lots of moire type artifacts. These screenshots are with Texture Resource all the way up on Quality.. When I zoom in, even with mipmaps on. the seams go away.

    With mipmaps on, so the seams show, I changed the skin bump from here default 5 to 0 and changed normal from her default 1 to 0. It made no difference that I could see. The seams were all still there.

    mipmaps are a form of downsampling - the system prepares a multi-resolution package of maps and the renderer uses the one it deems suitable (the .tdl files used by 3Delight at render time are the same). The seams would happen when the downsampling averaged in soem of the background colour at the edges of the uUV islands, causing them to have a different colour from the rest of the active areas of the map.

  • PaintboxPaintbox Posts: 1,633
    edited November 2020

    Tried this Filament render with Freja, there were seams where front head meets the back, but turning mipmapping off first, cleared most of the seams, and then reducing the bump from 4 to 1, did the rest.

    1600 x 900 - 1M
    Post edited by Paintbox on
  • Paintbox said:

    Tried this Filament render with Freja, there were seams where front head meets the back, but turning mipmapping off first, cleared most of the seams, and then reducing the bump from 4 to 1, did the rest.

    Oh hey, thanks alot Paintbox!   That was very helpful to see what you were getting.

    and....finally found a way to make the seams disappear 100% on Freja despite Bump at 4.0 with Mipmaps still "ON".
    See 2 screenshots.
    Also thank you Barbult for posting in this thread.  Thanks to you posting what you did, Richard with access to DAZ-programmers gave us all an insight on how DAZ intents mipmaps to work.  Which was nice.  Gave me enough info to figure out what to check for after Paintbox showed his result.


    TextureResource - Performance.JPG
    2045 x 1364 - 235K
    TextureResource - Performance -1..JPG
    2070 x 1331 - 237K
  • Thanks to all of you who have posted about this and looking into it. I will try and see if they work for me. Still waiting on a reply from the ticket. 
    I'd really hate to have to lower my bumps too much because I really like detail....

  • RobinsonRobinson Posts: 751

    1+ I've got this with Filament too on the current release (previous beta was OK).

  • Saxa -- SDSaxa -- SD Posts: 872
    edited November 2020

    I'd really hate to have to lower my bumps too much because I really like detail....

    In my last latest post, showed that with Bump at 4.0 could get seams to disappear 100% by changing Texture resource performance.  

    Not sure why MipsMap doesn't work for me, but that did.

    Post edited by Saxa -- SD on
  • I found this post because I was also experiencing seams on gen 8 figures... Torso to limbs, head to neck, hace to head, etc.  It was occuring in preview and renders.  Never had the issue in IRAY.  Mipmaps addressed it perfectly. Switched them off. Life is now good.  Thanks folks.

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