HELP: Geografts No Longer Hide Body Parts!

First of all, I just want to say that I've been enjoying the update without encountering any problems since it came out.

Before now, that is.

So this morning I was working on some characters, all of which have geografts. After I was done I saved, created a new scene, and then imported another character. That's when I noticed that its pelvis (a geograft) was strangely discolored and slightly deformed.

After trying and failing to fix the problem, I decided to load another scene, only to find that all of the characters are all of a sudden suffering from the same issue. I then loaded the scene I had been working on in the morning, and it too was now having the same problem.

I then tested different geografts and none of them are able to hide the body parts they are meant to replace.

I'm completely befuddled as to why this is happening all of a sudden! I've tried restarting Daz, restarting my computer, and reinstalling Daz, but nothing fixes the issue!

Please help! D:


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