SOLVED: Trying to get R3DS Wrap to work on G3M - Rigging problems

Hausfrau MafiaHausfrau Mafia Posts: 76


Hi guys, 

has anyone managed to succesfully use Russian3DScanner's Wrap program on a Genesis figure (I've been testing on G3M) and got the rigging to work properly? I seem to end up with a wrapped mesh that somehow differs in exact geometry and thus prevents me from using morph loader pro, leaving me to use transfer utiliy instead (as per the tutorial actually). Any links, experience, frustrations or advice much appreciated. I'll post a detailed process below.


[pre-publishing edit: I seem to have stumbled on a workaround along the way, but I'd still like anyone's input]

Long Read:

1 - I load a G3M in Daz (The one in Content Library - People- Genesis 3 Male, don't know if that matters, the one that doesn't load with iRay textures) it loads in at High Resolution, with SubD level 1. Then load my 3D scanned mesh. I tried posing G3M to match the scan loosely. (I moved the scan to the side for the screenshot, but exported them both at zero)

2 - Export both as OBJ with these settings

3- In Wrap (2020 in my case) I'm following this tutorial 

at 0.25 speed 'cause whoaw! I create a LoadGeom node for each, then off the G3M node, I create a SelectPolygons node, double click G3M and from the " - Polygroup " tab I select UpperJaw, LowerJaw & Tongue. I do not load in a .txt file (possible suspect right there!)

4 - I create a subset linking G3M and the SelectPolygons node, and then a SelectPointPairs node between the subset and the scan node.

5 - Before wrapping I create another SelectPolygons node from the subset and hide everything behind the eyelids, everything up the nostrils, everything inside the eard drums and everything behind the lips; then Invert, Unhide All, Invert to have what was hidden selected in red. What isn't red should now be computed to wrap.

6 - I then wrap with these settings (subdivisions 3, another suspect right there!)

7 - After wrapping, some Brush work. Then a Lattice node connecting G3M, its subset and the Brush node we just created and edited.

8 - A second Brush node to clean up the eyes. Then a SaveGeom node from that last brush node with these settings:

9 - Back to Daz, importing the wrapped mesh with these settings 

10 - The wrapped mesh loads in with a similar wireframe resolution (unless I'm completely blind) but it does load in at Base Resolution, SubD level 1 (G3M exported at High Resolution, SubD level 1, remember). It also loads in with iRay textures, I honestly cannot imagine that being pertinent in any way.

11 - Deviating from the tutorial, I try using Morph Loader Pro but there's a geometry mismatch:


12 - Back to the tutorial then, with Genesis 3 Male selected (and the wrapped mesh also loaded in the scene, not selected) I launch Transfer Utilty with these settings:


13 - The resulting mess is a sum of the pose data, but when I zero figure pose it returns to the shape of the wrapped mesh (only with zero-ed bones)


14 - Adjust Rigging to Shape, then? I don't know what any of these checkmarks mean, so I just press Accept. The result seems to only mutilate his hands 

15 - Well this is awkward. I'm documenting this while I'm doing it to illustrate my struggles but seem to have stumbled onto a possible way forward, I'm not holding my breath for it being a solution though, it can't be, anyway... So: UNDO Adjust Rigging to Shape (I think this is what I didn't do yesterday??) and try that other rigging option "Transfer Rigging (Figure Space)" by clicking on the source in the scene tab first, G3M then ctrl-click/cmd-click the traget second "our Transfer Utilitied thingy"; then from the scene tab hamburger menu: Edit-Rigging-Transfer Rigging (Figure Space). I don't know why this is working today and not yesterday, I must have done something stupid yesterday. Anyhow, let's keep going, I'm sure there'll be problems down the line.

16 - The figure is now rigged somewhat more accurately but its pose is zero-ed in all parameters. So I counter this by comparing the posed G3M and basically doing the opposite on our new figure. (i.e.: Left Shoulder Bend - Twist : -2.56 becomes 2.56 on the new figure). That gets us here, The rig looks off-center and hands and feet and face are a mess


17- So in theory we could now zero our posed G3M and meticulously pose our new figure to match its placement to the zero-ed G3M, then export OBJ again and Transfer Utility. I'm making it up as I'm going along here, I didn't get this far yesterday.

18 - Okay, that's done. I had to do it twice 'cause like an idiot I had also started posing the zero-ed G3M, leaving it unzero-ed obviously. Seems I can now animate the character, shape it, give it an expression... So this does seem to be a workaround.


Still, the real problem here is the geometry mismatch. I'm glad I fumbled my way into something other than a dead end but working with Morph Loader would be immensely better. That way I can save it as a morph, dial it in when I need to, save the head and body as two different morphs (You'll have noticed I hadn't wrapped the head in my examples, thinking exactly that). Hell I could even morph from one head scan into another (if you're thinking 'bout my baby, it don't matter if you're black or white...) But all this isn't working because I don't know what I'm doing. So my asking for help still stands. And let's be honest, the method I tripped into can't be all that precise. Unless that's exactly how we're supposed to do it, for... reasons... Dunno... 


xx mom

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Post edited by Hausfrau Mafia on


  • Set Daz figure to Base Resolution (mouth realism at zero, double check navel and nipples are zero-ed too) then export to OBJ.

    Et voila. Everything works fine. 

    I'm an idiot

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