What eye color am i using?

Hello. i would like to know where can i see the name of the current eye color my actor is using. In parameters eg it says left eye as opposed to adeline eyes 06 eg.


Ps  @DAz head honchos, please write all the items any given  product is using. I wanted to get an actor and opted instead for the clothes. The problem is that the clothes are separate from the product i was checking and their name is not mentioned.


  • QuixotryQuixotry Posts: 917

    Eye color isn't controlled through the Parameters tab, so you might just be looking in the wrong place. You can find the maps for all the character's surfaces in the Surfaces tab. The surface labled 'irises' should be where you need to look to see what the image your character has set for its eyes.

  • Many thanks quixotry! yes

  • QuixotryQuixotry Posts: 917

    You're welcome! :)

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