couldn't find scene


I've solved one load error but, I'm now getting another error when loading a G8M, it can't find two scenes. Why would it need to find two scenes when loading a new G8M? I don't remember deleting any scenes anyway.



  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232

    What exactly do you mean by "scene"? A .duf file? That doesn't exclusively denote a scene file, it's generally used for many different file types. Can you post a screenshot of the error message? There might also be helpful information at or near the end of the log file, after the "loading G8M" entry.

  • AbnerKAbnerK Posts: 718

    What exactly do you mean by "scene"? A .duf file? That doesn't exclusively denote a scene file, it's generally used for many different file types. Can you post a screenshot of the error message? There might also be helpful information at or near the end of the log file, after the "loading G8M" entry.

    Daz's words, but yes, they were duf files saved as scenes into the scenes folder. I have tidied up my scenes folder since Daz would only list A-F or something in my scene list so I divided them up A-E, F-J etc. 

    263 x 280 - 6K
  • AbnerK said:
    Daz's words, but yes, they were duf files saved as scenes into the scenes folder.

     Note that "a scene file" and "a file in a folder named /scene/" aren't the same thing.

    AbnerK said:
    I have tidied up my scenes folder since Daz would only list A-F or something in my scene list so I divided them up A-E, F-J etc. 

    You might need to un-tidy-up your folder. This is something that trips up a few people now and then — the scene folder isn't "only showing A-F", it's "showing A-F on the first page of the folder listing". It's not obvious and easy to miss, but if folder listings are particularly long (I don't know what the limit is), the displayed list is split into pages.

    One other possible hiccup; are you loading things from the Smart Content pane, or Products/Categories in the Content Library pane? These are not lists of the files stored on your computer, they're sorted and filtered lists of entries in the Content Database, pointing to locations on your computer. If you move the files, the database will still point to where the file used to be. This might be causing your "can't find file" errors.

  • AbnerKAbnerK Posts: 718
    edited November 2020
    AbnerK said:
    Daz's words, but yes, they were duf files saved as scenes into the scenes folder.

     Note that "a scene file" and "a file in a folder named /scene/" aren't the same thing.

    I obviously didn't make myself clear. My Bad. I saved a scene using the Save As scene dialogue from the File menu. I edited the Scene folder sometime last year so, why suddenly now start giving me the error about a scene that I moved, along with 1260 others, last year? Just incase I still haven't made myself clear. I saved a regular figure morphed with dials from the parameters tab, in preparation for, later on, using that scene to create a single dial. The single dial is saved out, any morphs I may have made in Blender or zbrush have been saved out otherwise they wouldn't be available to to other out of the box figures that I just bought a couple of weeks ago. If these things weren't well established in my mind I wouldn't be asking the question that I did. Give me some credit for having the time at Daz that I've made over a thousand scenes and I've obviously got the knowledge to solve one load error. I get you probably didn't read my other post about editing the file paths in duf files.  


    Being dyslexic does not make someone a moron. OK banging ones head against a brick wall isn't a sign of everything being sunshine and roses.  

    Post edited by AbnerK on
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