Basic Question about Moving Assets to a New Computer

I apologize if this is too much of a newbie question, but I am probably getting a new computer within the next month, and I want to try and be able to move all of my assets over to a new computer, but possibly test out the new Beta version (new computer will have a 3000 series) on the new computer just to try it out.

1.  Can I keep the original files/assets on an old computer as well if I move them over and use them ok on two computers?  (I would like to just test on the new one with 3090 card as I'm not sure if it's stable yet, etc.)

2. Is there a reasonably easy way to just move all assets over to the new computer if I can double up, and is it an issue if the new computer has the BETA instead of old computer current version?  I'll probably search on here and also on the Web, but if there is a reference guide or other method?

3. With non Daz-store assets (about 80% of assets for me  -- I think I have about 150ish non-Daz store assets and about 30ish from Daz store mostly because of the $50 license fees on Daz store -- so it's a fair amount), I assume I can just move them on a new computer and kind of use the Content tab as I do now?  (I only have Daz store assets mostly in Smart Content, except a few that I use all the time)

I'm not super tech so I know this question may sound a little green, but thank you!



  • 1.  Can I keep the original files/assets on an old computer as well if I move them over and use them ok on two computers?  (I would like to just test on the new one with 3090 card as I'm not sure if it's stable yet, etc.)

    From the EULA (my emphasis):

    Restrictions on Copying. The Content is provided for User's exclusive use. User does not have the right to provide the Content to others in any form or on any media except as set forth in this Agreement. The Content may be copied in whole or in part for User’s exclusive use. Specifically, User may copy the Content onto the storage device of an unlimited number of computers owned or controlled by User. The Content is for User’s exclusive use and no other individual or entity. Each individual must obtain his or her own license to use the Content.

    So you can have the products on as many machines as you like, so long as it's just you using them.

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