Morphs... again

I really think that this is a database problem.  It was (somewhat condascendingly, I thought) explained to me the last time I brought this up that "databases are complicated things".  I didn't bother responding to that, but let me respond now because it's clear that the database is at the core of this issue and others.  I know a little about SQL databases.  I've designed SQL databases.  Not a ton of them, but several, one of them very complicated and mission critical.  So please, let's not get into the "databases are complicated things" bit, ok?  Thanks. :)

On to the issue.  I decide to repurpose a mesh in Blender for another project.  It's a set of venetian blinds.  I:

1) clean up the mesh a bit. 

2) redefine surface names. 

3) export the wavefront to the development folder for the project. 

4) import it into Daz. 

5) put materials on the surfaces. 

6) save the asset. 

7) in Blender, create two simple morphs.  One to cause the louvres to close.  The other to raise the blinds.  Very simple morphs.

8) in Daz, I load the morphs in MLP.  Everything works fine.  I resave the asset.

9) reloaded the asset.  Test morphs.  Fine, everything good.  I move the blinds to one of the nine windows in the scene.  resize it to fit the window.  retest the morphs.  everything is fine so far.

10) reparent the asset to the building in place, change the name to "Blinds 1" in the Scene tab.  Retest the morphs.  Everything A-OK so far.

11) load another instance, move it to window 2.  rename, load another, move it to window 3, and so forth until I'm four windows in.  I decide to test the morphs.  None of them work for 2, 3, or 4.  Crap!

12) delete 2. 3, and 4.  Re-test 1.  Morphs still work.  Move it back to World Center, rescale it back to default.  Retest morphs.  They work.  

13) delete 1 from the scene, reload it from the assets.  Morphs don't work.

Now, somebody please tell me what the issue is if you know.  I think it's a database issue.  The database doesn't keep track of multiple instances of the same asset if you change the name in the Scene tab.  I should be able to do that.  

Let me repeat the old joke I included last time:

A man goes to the doctor and says "Doc, my arm hurts when I do this," and waves his arm.  The doctor says "Well DON'T DO THAT"!  The point being, don't mark this issue as "solved" by saying "Well DON'T DO THAT"!  :)


  • If your diagnosis was correct you couldn't have two of the same base figure (e.g. Genesis 8 Female) loaded and morphing, which you generally can. Are you saving the morphs as assets too, or are you justs aving them enbedded in the scene file? That has, in the past, been problematic with clothng picking up the embedded morphs for a base figure, I'm not sure if it is still an issue. Try saving both morphs with File>Save As>Support Assets>Morph Asset, assuming you haven't.

  • Hey all, I just downloaded daz3d as well  as Gen8 female body morphs, head morphs and Z Stunning and Unique Shapes and Poses. I am able to apply the different body types contained therein but the body does not fully go into the pose. For example the legs and feet etc will, but the arms will retain the same generic spread from the Gen 8 basee female. I am able to succesfully apply the poses contained in the daz3d download but i cannot figure how to apply the ones i downloaded from the purchased pack aforementioned. Likely something simple but I would appreciate a short reply on how i can fix this. Thanks a  lot folks.

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