Trying to track down a prop

MornaricMornaric Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Poser Discussion

G'day, all!

I'm trying to help a friend recreate a picture of hers, but she can't find one of the props she used. I thought I recognized the stone wall in the attached picture, but I can't seem to find it either. If it helps, I know there is also supposed to be an earthen or stone path of some sort involved. The far background of course is from the Daz Cyclorama - it's the wall prop in front that has me scratching my head.

I thought I would ask here first before trying to replace it with something similar, like the Moon Gate found here at Daz3d.

Any thoughts on this are most appreciated!


973 x 1200 - 769K


  • MediaheadMediahead Posts: 115
    edited December 1969

    That looks very much like "Garden Gate" available at Renderosity.

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