Lost and Found

Can someone clue me in to what this is and how I deal with it? I've got several items that are now in my lost and found, a few figures and other things, and I don't know how to get them into my library so I can actually use them. Is there a tutorial somewhere on how to deal with these lost and found items? Thanks.


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,582

    That just means they haven't been assigned to a category.  You can categorize them in your own categories.  They'll still work even if they stay in Lost and Found.

  • How pray tell do I catagorize them into my own catagories?


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,582

    Select one or more items, right-click and choose "Categorize".  Make a new top-level category alongside Default, and make whatever categories you like under it.

  • I'll give it a try. Thanks.

  • Hmmm, yeah, that didn't work. Anyone else have any suggestions?

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,442

    Categorizing will get them out of Lost and Found, but if you want the full Smart Content experience, a full metadata makeover is needed. The appropriate data needs to be added to set the content type, default category and compatibility info, at the very least. Metadata is DAZ's responsibility, so the first course of action is a help ticket, but that might take a while to get straightened out. If you want to try it yourself, search the forums for "adding metadata" and you will find many examples. I'll quote myself from another thread:

    There's a tutorial that is often referenced: Metadata tutorial - Adding new items to your smart content. It's for an older version, but the principles are the same.

    Current documentation: Adding Metadata to Products

     Unfortunately, it is a growing problem, apparently.

  • I'll take a look at this other thread. I hope it helps because lately half the things I buy end up in lost and found. And I've tried right clicking but that doesn't give me an option to categorize. 

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,442

    To categorize, from your Content Library, right-click on the product's top folder and select "Create a Category from..." and choose "Selected Folder" or "Selected Folder and Sub-Folder(s)". This will preserve the folder structure in the category. The product might be scattered in different top-level folders, like some parts in Environments, other parts in Lights, yet more in Scenes, etc., but there aren't many like that. Check the ReadMe for a product to see which folders were used, or examine the list of installed files from DIM (right-click the product, Show Installed files... ; don't know how with other installation methods).

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