Is the PoseWorks Shaders Library broken in DS 4.12?

I have searched the forums and reinstaled all the "pwShaders" (via DIM) and can't seem to get them to work. 

What seems to happen is DS does its best to apply the presets to the current shader but does not apply the actual shader.  The object and the surface are both selected, and rendered in 3Delight.

I've tried with pwEffect, pwGhost. pwToon and pwSurface2 all with the same results.  Is anyone still useing these shaders in DS 4.12


  • Is this in the General Release or the Public Build (beta)?

  • Pretty sure its the General Release.  It's Version

  • That's actually an older version. is the current general release.

    pwCatch, at least, is working on a quick test - for pwctach, and perhaps the others but I'm not sure, you do need to apply the base preset first (to apply the shader), then make adjustments or use one of the settings from the Resourcs folder; the presets in Resources don't apply the shader itself, they are just settings.

  • I've been trying to get DIM update to the newer version...  but I kept getting the same one.  It turns out that Daz Studion was on the C: drive when I had DIM thinking it was on the F: drive.  I did a manual install to the F drive and got rid of the one of the C: drive.  Things seems to be working fine now.  Thnaks a ton!

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