Custom model request

I'm not sure if this is a good place to ask for this and if it isn't, then just let me know.
I'm in need of a good pair of football cleats for M4 or a male Genesis 2 model.
I can even send the artwork for what I want in a turnaround drawing. I am willing to pay.
-thank you
I'm not sure if this is a good place to ask for this and if it isn't, then just let me know.
I'm in need of a good pair of vintage football cleats for M4 or a male Genesis 2 model.
I can even send the artwork for what I want in a turnaround drawing. I am willing to pay.
Below is a picture of the exact shape of cleats that I want. And the 2nd picture below it is reference for how I would want the bottoms to look.
-thank you
Merged threads and moved to product Suggestions, which seems the most suitable location. It could also go in the Commons, but it will be buried sooner there.
This does not fit the exact description, but maybe you could resize, retexture, re-whatever ...