dForce Time For School for Genesis 8 Females

glennblackphotosglennblackphotos Posts: 160
edited October 2020 in Product Suggestions

I have recently bought [the dForce Time For School for Genesis 8 Females] this outfit as I have the previous gen 3 version and thought it would be an upgrade.

I was hoping there would be an option to fasten the shirts top button for a smart look and realistic look, is it possible that this could be added as an update please?


Edited for Please put your question in the post body and the title - Daz 3D Forums  and moved to Product Suggestions since it is not a Daz Studio question

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300

    It's good to see a G8 version of this uniform. It has a good number of options, but indeed an opening shirt is not one of them. This would undoubtedly require a whole new mesh for the Shirt figure. Perhaps Dogz would consider making a new Shirt that can open, as a separate item.

    One small point about the TFS G8f uniform: I noticed that the Tights figure appears to have reversed normals. When I took it in to Zbrush only the back facing polygons were visible. Whilst this is not a major issue, I wonder why it is the case as none of the other pieces of the G8f uniform have this issue; though it is also an issue with some parts of the Gen 3 version.

    In ZB I could see that the TFS G8f figures have a very good poly count which makes for easier for morphing when necessary.

    Nice work, Dogz.

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    It's good to see a G8 version of this uniform. It has a good number of options, but indeed an opening shirt is not one of them. This would undoubtedly require a whole new mesh for the Shirt figure. Perhaps Dogz would consider making a new Shirt that can open, as a separate item.


    I believe that was a request for a closed top button for the TFS shirt, not more open buttons.  I'd have liked a button-up option as well, but I suppose that would have also required an additional morph for the tie.  What I really would have liked is a shirt that tucks and untucks, though.  To be honest though, I've had to Mesh Grab the shirt to prevent it from cutting into the waistband of the shirt after dForcing unless I turn the nice HD creasing way down.


    But who knows, maybe @Dogz will hear our petitions after the G8M version comes out. angel

    TFS Waist.jpg
    600 x 450 - 177K
  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300

    Rgarding your image of the waist, I have to agree. A morph to tuck/untuck the shirt would be nice. Also a morph to shrink the waist band a bit. So I made them in ZBrush. Thankfully Dogz built a lot of polys into these clothing items so morphing is easy.

  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited October 2020

    An untucked shirt is possible, an opening /closing shirt with dforce is more tricky, you kind of need two shirts for that, one open - one closed.  Else the closed shirt can fall open when simulated.

    The shirt for this was kept simple as it was designed primarially as an undergarment for the blazer, to work with dforce without issue.

    As for the orginal request (top button), I think that should be doable.

    Post edited by Dogz on
  • Dogz said:

    An untucked shirt is possible, an opening /closing shirt with dforce is more tricky, you kind of need two shirts for that, one open - one closed.  Else the closed shirt can fall open when simulated.

    There are always Dynamic Add-ons - link a vertex on one side with a vertex on the other using a single edge/2 vertex polygon, rig from the main outfit, and apply dForce dyanmic Add-On. it will collide and stick to the coincident vertices, holding the gap closed. If removed the gap will be free to open.

    Dogz said:

    The shirt for this was kept simple as it was designed primarially as an undergarment for the blazer, to work with dforce without issue.

    As for the orginal request (top button), I think that should be doable.


  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited October 2020

    Thanks Richard, We'll see, it as I said an untucked one i can do,

    but to open it would need a heavy edit of the shirts Geometry (open and overlap) the current one is welded at the seam, that means all existing JCMs and FBMs will not longer be valid for the mesh and would all have to be redone. :(

    Also I'm a bit iffy to do an open shirt for what is essentially (though not exclusively) a kids uniform. Not sure if that would float with Daz either.

    An open dforce shirt for the g8 males and females would be cool, but I dont think this is the right outfit for it.

    Post edited by Dogz on
  • Dogz said:

    Thanks Richard, We'll see, it as I said an untucked one i can do,

    but to open it would need a heavy edit of the shirts Geometry (open and overlap) the current one is welded at the seam, that means all existing JCMs and FBMs will not longer be valid for the mesh and would all have to be redone. :(

    Also I'm a bit iffy to do an open shirt for what is essentially (though not exclusively) a kids uniform. Not sure if that would float with Daz either.

    An open dforce shirt for the g8 males and females would be cool, but I dont think this is the right outfit for it.

    Sorry, I was just answering the technical aspect for future reference - it would be a pain to do for an item that is already set up welded, plus the age thing.

  • glennblackphotosglennblackphotos Posts: 160
    edited November 2020
    Dogz said:

    Thanks Richard, We'll see, it as I said an untucked one i can do,

    but to open it would need a heavy edit of the shirts Geometry (open and overlap) the current one is welded at the seam, that means all existing JCMs and FBMs will not longer be valid for the mesh and would all have to be redone. :(

    Also I'm a bit iffy to do an open shirt for what is essentially (though not exclusively) a kids uniform. Not sure if that would float with Daz either.

    An open dforce shirt for the g8 males and females would be cool, but I dont think this is the right outfit for it.

    The request is for a top button that actually does up to create a smart look as it appears to be a British uniform which typically is smartly done up at the collar.

    A nice trutex looking shirt texture option would be lovely too rather than a heavy thick seam perhaps these kind of things can be added as an additional textures pack to buy along with some other goodies.

    Many thanks.

    Mod edit :-   to sort the new post out from the quotes

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    There was just an update for TFS.  Does anyone know what was changed?

  • Hi; I would realy love an untucked version of the shirt, just purchased today and was a bit unhappy since I think the previous version for female 3 had one.

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