Chungdan's MRB outfit- is there a manual?

I''ve run into a few problems with Chungdan's MRB outfit:

My main issue is that I can't seem to get the cloak to drape properly- the dress works fine, but the cloak part remains flared out as if it's caught on something invisible. I've tried deleting the belt colliding object and the weight maps but nothing seems to make a difference.


I'm also finding that there's two options for the clothing, only one of which will loat mats- again, I've no idea why.


I feel like something that clearly doesn't work as advertised straight out of the box should come with a manual or at least some sort of advice, but there's nothing. Has anybody else used this set? Any advice?


Screenshot 2020-10-18 142241.png
923 x 842 - 138K


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