photoreal interactive

i have a question i hope someone can help me with genuses 8 body's i have no probleam with photoreal but   interactive the bodies tend to play up and because genus 8 has so many layers its hard to figure out where to fix the probleam if i put seront clothes or hair on genus 8 it shows up dark patches why is this happening ? or do i have a faulty daz 


  • I suspect that the shadow bias property works in Interactive - that's a function to stop surfaces from casting shadows on themselves, it offsets the shadow a little. If the offset is greater than the separattion between two surfaces then theer will be no shadow, if less then there will be a shadow; if the separate varies around the offset amount then you get blotchy dark areas. That can certainly happen in 3Delight, I've not made much use of Iray Interactive to know if it's the explanation here - the property is on the lights, so have a look and see if adjusting the value (if it's enabled) helps.

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