Creature Creator Addons Texture Color Change

afrooflightafrooflight Posts: 12
edited December 1969 in New Users

Usually, since I know nothing of how to alter textures and have near nonexistant photoshop skills, I just change the diffuse values in the Surfaces tab to change the color of clothing or skin and then play with lights until it looks the way I want.

However I just recently got the Creature Creator HD and the Addons for G2M and changing the diffuse value works on the fur material for the G2 skin but it does nothing to the Ears or the Tail accessory's. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong or if there is something about these props that makes changing the diffuse values useless. I'm stuck at the beginning stages of a new model and appreciate any help you all can give. Hard to visualize a new character when I can't even get the skin color to match. >.<



  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    Usually, since I know nothing of how to alter textures and have near nonexistant photoshop skills, I just change the diffuse values in the Surfaces tab to change the color of clothing or skin and then play with lights until it looks the way I want.

    However I just recently got the Creature Creator HD and the Addons for G2M and changing the diffuse value works on the fur material for the G2 skin but it does nothing to the Ears or the Tail accessory's. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong or if there is something about these props that makes changing the diffuse values useless. I'm stuck at the beginning stages of a new model and appreciate any help you all can give. Hard to visualize a new character when I can't even get the skin color to match. >.<


    ? my post, was sure I had responded.

    Anyway ... on the Scene Tab select the add-on to change. Then on the Surface Tab select and change fields as desired.

  • afrooflightafrooflight Posts: 12
    edited December 1969

    I think it was an issue with me posting in the wrong forum maybe your post got deleted.

    I tried exactly what you said and it doesn't seem to do anything. I even did a test render to make sure it wasn't something somehow hidden in the preview. I click the tail in the scene tab, then click on the tail in the surfaces tab and change the diffuse settings (exactly what I do with the fur full body skin texture) and nothing changes besides the box saying I changed the color. Not really sure what's going on.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    okay ... that set is installed on my other computer [offline] so I'll go take a look and see what's what. Sometimes it has to do with an image or another field over powering it.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    Oh boy, "improvements" ... okay theres an extra item that gets loaded called "creature creature main". Appears to be part of the geografting so must be kept but also needs to be retextured to match.

    When done finishing the textures, might want to save out some mat files.

  • afrooflightafrooflight Posts: 12
    edited December 1969

    So you're saying I have to manually recolor the texture file in photoshop or something because changing diffuse values and such wont work?

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    edited December 1969

    This caught me on the hop, too ... when you load the ears/tail you get a geo-shell added to the figure and it is on/in that where you play with the ear/tail textures.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    No one doesn't "have to" change the colours on the default texture ... clicking on the image selector one can select "none".
    Providing the rest of the bump/displacement etc images are left in, one can get a rendered image of colour with [for example] fur lines.

    IF not using templates, be sure to work on COPIES of any texture images and to resave results with a new name so as to not overwrite precious purchased content ;-)

    Also, if making textures "on the fly" as testing them out, be sure to rename them [or remember how to do a forced image refresh which I never remember] as D/S has a cache someplace and reloads images with the same name from said cache rather than from the textures folder.

  • afrooflightafrooflight Posts: 12
    edited December 1969

    Ok I think I've got it all worked out now. Thanks a lot!

  • Ok I think I've got it all worked out now. Thanks a lot!

    How'd you get it? I read the previous comment it didn't really say anything about changing the color on creature creator

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