Adding animation seems to mess up the frames behind it...

davejasdavejas Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Poser Discussion

Ok, I am using Poser 10 with Daz character Michael 4. I am seeing rather strange behavior when adding
animations to the timeline.

First, I move the timeline to about frame 10, because I want to have about 10 frames for a planned cloth simulation to settle into place. Then I add the animation at frame 10. It's a walking animation and it loads
and works fine. The issue is, now the frames before the animation starts are all messed up! The character should be in a zero pose and remain that way, but now he rotates around in space instead.

I managed to fix this by making frames 1-10 all keyframes prior to adding the animation but then I tried adding a second animation and it got all messed up again.


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