Can't render using GPU with my new RTX 3090

Hello everyone ! I've been using Daz Studio since a few months and I'm having a blast with it ! My old GPU was having a hard time with it so I bought a RTX 3090 for the renders (and also a bit for gaming). But I can't render / pre-render scenes anymore for some reason :/ I can only use CPU.
Do you guys know anything about that ?
Thanks ! :)
Congratulations but there are other threads stating it's not supported yet in DS. Daz has been working on it.
Yes, daz has a version of Iray that supports the new cards but the versions incorporating it are still on internal/private release only.
Thank you for your anwers ! Do you think it'll take long for them to release this update to the Public ? Do they have an ETA somewhere ?
Just a heads up, but maybe you should update the System Requirements requirments page for Daz Studio. I was under the assumption that the 3090 and 3080 is currently supported as per your info i looked at this morning. I was about to sell my 2080ti and purchase a 3090 (if i was able to find one)
"NVIDIA RTX 2060 or above recommended for Daz Studio 4.12. NVIDIA Iray Render Engine: 64-bit only. CUDA Compute Capability 2.0 or greater required."
Good point; that tells users the 3000 series is supported.
I've suggested elsewhere a post stating 3000 series support Not Yet supported or coming soon would be a good idea.
Congratulations on getting one of the ten released.
All joking aside, I've been watching Nvidia's site as the FE is the only one I'd consider personally, and it's not even flickered from out of stock. A true shambles.
I only managed to get a 3080 because Newegg made a mistake the day before launch and for about 5 minutes posted some for sale, and I happened to be on looking to see what the prices were at that moment. It's a total mess from all sides.
Looks like there won't be a steady stream until maybe November-2021 as the scalpers remain a serious threat for people wishing to buy a 3090FE, I won't even have the money 'til October, and I'm pretty much resigned to waiting/continue saving 'til Nov-2021 for a chance to snag me one!
The good news is, that I'll have just enough saved for a new monitor, and maybe a new PSU as well by the time stock equalizes to a steady stream!
I'm only interested in the FE; I still think those versions of the 3080/90 at the list price are decent value. Sure 20GB 3080 might be better value (if it turns out to be real: 999.00 maybe?), but it's the hardware equivalent of vapourwear until we know different. Of course, accusations of a paper-launch have some validity due to a bodged release; scammers buying em; and quite possible limited supply.
I've waited over 2 years; delayed getting a Titan; now I'll even consider AMD as I render in Blender.
Yeah, I was going to shoot for a gigabyte or an EVGA 3090, but the FEs have much more cooler temps in comparison to the other AIBs so my choice is clear, but I'm balking at a 3080 20gb release as it allegedly has the same number of cuda cores as the 3080 10gb, and they'll have to price them lower than the 3090s but higher than the 3080 10gb, and don't get me started on the 3070 ti... if true then the lineup would look like this:
3090>3080/20gb>3080/10gb>3070 ti>3070>3060 ti>3060, it may be a good idea to go the AMD route especially if they can actually get the cards into the hands of non-bots/scalpers but I'm kind of glad I wasn't able to be an early adopter, as I'll now see how Big Navi's impact on the GPU scene will play out!
AMD will probably have bots and scalpers, too. It's like the wild west with the pandemic and different work schedules, etc. I hope the scalpers rot on ebay.
Hear hear, I would be less generous with their fate, but that would get me banned from the Internet; but yeah, I'm still rooting for AMD in spite of me getting an NVidia GPU, as I still have a soft spot for them!
I still think the FE cards a decent value. They have the advantage of me being able to also use Iray, whereas if I use AMD, I'm basically removing that as an option - CPU is Iray is a joke, although not completely rediculous on a Threadripper but much slower than Blender using a Threadripper.
I'd be surprised if the 20GB 3080 was less than 950, and am expecting 999, however, AMD's offerings may trigger a price war. I actually feel this is why Nvidia jumped first, and also why it's such a mess.
They could have limited it to two per household, and given folks the option of reserving with a decent deposit too.
They limited it to 2 per customer on the 2000, which makes it odd that they didn't do the same this time.
I just wish they'd limit them to one-per-household, but yeah the price for the 20gb 3080 would have to be in that range, otherwise they'll nuke their own 3080 10gb GPUs, as to the 3060 being near the same performance of a 2080 super... what's the point; you're better off sticking with your 2080 super/ti then! I think that they will be cluttering up their entire lineup, but then again, we shall soon see...
Just be patient once the hype settles down the cards will be available. It will also take time for Daz to get these cards working with ampere. So what is the rush?
I got myself the 3080 and I had to put my 980ti back in until Daz supports the 30 series.
When did Daz Studio support the RTX 20xx series after the released date? I got a 3090 but so sad I can't use it.
I've got a new build with a 3090 on order. Hoping it arrives the day they update Daz :)
If I remember correctly it was weeks, not months. Well, maybe two (months), and a beta appeared.
It can still be used with video encoding while multi-tasking (as in playing games while rendering) Plus, more than a few 3D progs use GPU-based rendering, but yeah, just feel fortunate that you even have a 3090 as they are too scarce due to demand from humans and scalpers; a rare form of malignant creature...
I don't think it was anywhere near that long for initial support; RTX features took many months because of Nvidia, despite the fact folks paid for them at the same time as they bought the card. Yes it irritated me. :)
Yeah but the problem is in my country, I have to pay more than 2000 usd for this card, so it's kinda suck to not be able to use it now for my professional works. I'm sad because I didn't know Daz does not support the new card. This is not the case for a lot of other software and games, so I didn't think much about it when I purchased the 3090. I hope that I don't have to wait for more than couples of weeks, because then the price of the card will drops, and there would be no point of getting the card early. Again I use Daz to render for my professional works, so waiting is losing money. If this was just a hobby then I wouldn't even get this monster 3090 hehe.
I actually only need to be use it in Daz Studio, even Daz Studio BETA would be enough. I don't even need RTX features right now. Do you think it can take just 2 weeks from now for me to be able to use the card ?
We have absolutely no way to know.
Oh yeah I know that, just want to ask everyone's opinions based on the past releases of 10xx series and 20xx series gpu from NVIDIA.
Usually there is no point in getting any new technology amongst the first (except for bragging rights)... It has lacking support and buggy drivers, it may even have such teething problems that it will be physically changed to fix the issues => There is no path to "update" the first batch that were sold for a premium.
I'm sorry to hear that, hopefully daz is furiously working on a solution as we speak! As it seems people's livelihoods are in jeopardy with the delays!
Opinions based on guesswork are worthless and full of crap. One of the reasons I ignore social media.
Blender has support now, and support exists elsewhere, so my opinion is that it isn't complicated to do, which I believe was the issue back for the 1000 as Nvidia took so long to release support for them. They have already released support for the 3000 cards as already indicated as support exists in other engines; from what I've seen in Daz's updates there are at least partial implementations to the private builds (I don't recall the wording.). So I expect it soon. (Hopefully not Daz soon
... 1000 tooks months (IIRC); 2000 was weeks (IIRC). Two data points don't allow us to infer anything other than it might be 50/50. But the fact that there is support in private builds is good; the 1000 might have been fairly close to christmas before Nvidia released any kind of support at all.
I thought (basic) support for the 20x0 cards was more than weeks, though not as bad as support for the 10x0 cards.
Thanks for all the replies . Seems like I'll be waiting for at least a month :(