Custom Animation I

Ok, i have sucess to export my character - Gen 8 Male - by the bridge to UE. That 'third person...BP' its (too) a blueprint, a 'code' (?), that 'set' any animation manequim, default in unreal, to my character? IF yes...UE4 have some default animation to sell, etc... i can set this animation - default by unreal - in my new char? I need a course of programation :3 i think. Well, just asking if is possible add some animations from another 'projects' from Unreal. :)
Post edited by jeronimocollares on
You can animate in Daz Studio (Or Maya or Blender, just need to rename the root bone).
You can also retarget animations from the Epic skeleton
Hi :)
ty very much, apreciate.