DIM crashes whenever I try to install content.
Recently I have found that every time I try to install a new item I bought for daz studio the DIM crashes. I tried using daz central which I never use and it crashed as well. The crash left me with a link to daz to report the bug but the link could not find a page. however I did get a little crash log I think:
DAZ3DIM.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION in module "C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZ3DIM1\QtCore4.dll" at 0033:000000005A7B3A76, QIODevice::isOpen()+6 byte(s)
The thing is I don't think its Daz that is the problem at least not directly. I also noticed that I can no longer save files on my c drive as it says I do not have permission. Arrg. As a mac user I would know where to begin to look for a solution to that but on a PC I really don't have a clue. Also I cant think of what could have suddenly caused this blockage.
As you might imagine, any help would be so greatfully appreciated!
If you try opening the folders on C: do you get asked if you want to grant yourself access?
Thanks Richard. Of course now that I check again, none of that is happening; I can open folders, save files, save renders, and save games, most of which were giving me errors and disallowing (not sure if I tried opening folders before actually) what still happens is an instant crash when I try to download content in the DIM.
DAZ3DIM.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION in module "C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZ3DIM1\QtCore4.dll" at 0033:0000000058ED3A76, QIODevice::isOpen()+6 byte(s)
Any ideas what would cause an access violation?
Not really, though it does look like it might be a file/folder access issue
I thought I was on to something here:
Its telling you toTurn Off Data Execution Prevention For That App which sounds good to me only when I tried to do it I got an error stating that you cannot turn off DEP for a 64 bit program.
Its getting depressing to buy cool stuff and not be able to install and use it.
I finally decided to try turning off all DEP thru the command line. before that I made a restore point. unfortunately, with the Dep disabled it made absolutely no difference with the Dim it crashes with the same error. So I seemed to have ruled that out at least.
Well its been a long road but I finally thought to check and found that my download and install locations had been reset to my C drive and not my D drive where I have been keeping content. so that solved my immidiate issue of being able to download files without crashing.
it also looks like windows 10 security has a controlled folder access feature that was preventing daz from making changes to specific files. I had to turn it off as there seems to be no way to give a specific software like DS an exception.
I hope this helps someone who finds themselves in a similar situation.
This may be my problem as well. Where do I find the controlled access feature?