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That post is getting kind of long winded, lol.
So I'll just call this Something in the works, lol. And I'm still bouncing back and forth between dials. I would very much like to eventually make a shape preset control dial for the head and separate body control dial, I just dread all the hate mail potential over people not having one or more of the morph sets used
. And I'm sure MJC gets the occasional grief over no skin maps included with Anna, I'm using Paloma's maps myself and that costs money (19.95usd) I'm sure people will gripe paying for as much as (88.80usd for) four morph sets (total of 108.75usd, Paloma + Morph sets).
So I guess G3F1W is expensive, Ugh, I can't win this one.
On a side note, I should post something in another thread, I just don't have them toon characters at this time and don't want to be a fifth wheel, or end up obligated to do something I can't afford at this time. The fit morphs are a very nice gesture and I know very much appreciated by many, and having a hard drive fail dose suck a lot.
Alright, Ive been at this for at least twelve hours in the Gimbal Rig, I need some rest.
All the dials that start with "Zdg_" without any icons are part of a set I'll need to pack up
, when I'm a tad more aware of where the ceiling or ground is
(thump) , lol.
Morning, still a bit dizzy from yesterday. Here is the Zdg G3F Morph extension set alpha (version 002d, Added a few extra CC0 morph extension ZdgBodyMorphs dials).
That's the small bit of dials made so far to augment the other four sets.
The included figure shape combo dials (G3F1W, G3F2W, and G3F3W) also use some dials from other stuff listed in the next post, you do not need them for the morph 'Enhancement' shape dials to work. hex made elf ear is there as well.
Bread crumb... for making control dials
(BTW) If you have FWSA Paloma, The mat presets I used for the icons and renders are here in the Zdg 3DL Alt Shader Expansion pack.
Yes, I know the requirements for all of her is expensive. I'm not up to making bone linked morph dials yet, That is the biggest reason I'm using the morph sets, they work.
I think at least some of the figure morph will work even if you do not have all of the morph sets listed below.
(Zdg G3F Morph extension set, Posted above. Yes the Head and body dial is in that zip)
I think most have two of the dial sets listed, possibly.
Oh, and I forgot the CC0 (Free) G3F Groin Morphs at ShareCG or DA.
Skin and eye Mats/maps used in my examples are from FWSA Paloma, that is another thing that is far beyond my abilities (skills and funds) to make. In any case, I think I'm going to take five before looking at the ears, oh I dread that.
I keep looking at that nose and wanting to make the lower part a bit wider (Nose Wing Size), yet that had other side effects. Perhaps I'll make a second, or third head dial with that and other minor adjustments. I've been fussing around with the dials I made rather then ears (There is just to many complications with the ears).
Things are progressing nicely, even tho I'm not sure about a lot of minor details. I may need to make some more dials for the nose. Also I keep looking at the arms and thinking I need to add more strength to them, I'm just not sure I want to add 'flab' or adding 'Ripped' painted on 12-packs, lol.
There has got to be a more elegant solution, lol.
(EDIT) looks like a dial called "Arm Size" from shape shift dose not mess with arm length, so that combined with a modest amount of "Arms Muscular" looks to do ok.
Have you looked at this?
I think G3 has the presets now, so this may be a less "morph-intensive" way of making a basic "realistic" shape - the user just needs to have the plugin (it comes with its own morphs as far as I understand).
I hadn't even looked for that yet, may have been helpful in getting it to work, again. As for the dials, what I remembered was there is a set of dials that do nothing other then set scale for Measure Metrics that you do NOT want to mess with at all. Then there is another thing somewhere that supposedly can make the figure a particular set of dimensions. That was way back in 4.6 or 4.7 days when I was following the thread on that (The thread is somewhere). I do have some doubts about the ability to dial in that size stuff with Measure Metrics and then share the figure shape with others that don't have Measure Metrics. I'll look at that now.
I am absolutely going to have to make a second set of shape preset dials any way. I figured out how to get the arms a bit more tone-volume without messing with the rest of the figure, and the nose is still way off from the shape I was looking for. First I need to finish digging out from the snow a few days ago, lol.
By the way, for those not struggling with funds and don't have them yet. the No-High-Heels (Youth posture) and anti-barbie-waist (abdomen size) morph sets look like there on sale, I can assure you you will not be disappointed with them.
And why is that Navel thing being such a pita, and apparently you can't just remove that with notepad++, grrrrrr. Alright, Anomalous gut-punch morph canceled out, and the gargantuan book-keeping chore of replacing the old dial with the new fixed morph...(version 000g uploaded) I will try to not let that get past me again. I was thinking of unofficially calling G3F1W 'Iktan', tho I am rapidly leaning towards Kichka (Incan for Thorn), lol.
OK, I was just looking at something that I had joked about in private, and thought I may be able to mend a bit with a morph. What it is is an area where it looks like someone just took the upper photo of one person and the legs of another and glued them together at the hip with a bit of blurring at the seam. What brings it out the most is that there are lines that do not join, and they don't even line up at all where they should join up.
After looking at the base mesh, there is just no way for me to fix that with a simple joining morph, lol. Not without removing the originals and putting in completely new ones, and I'm not sure that would be possible at all without some realy impressive HD mesh-fu magic and a few z-whatever-designer priests casting spells of good luck on standby.
OK, smooth Tummy was not to difficult, I added something to try to mend that.
Ah, that's where that is. I'm guessing these measurements are way off for what some prefer, it was just an experiment after all.
I'll need to do much better on the other one/two shapes that are not based off of a darkelf warlock concept, lol.
Yep, been there solo, got the shirt, Never Again.
OMG, after taking a string to my arm (I am NOT athletic) her arms ar over an inch thinner then mine, akhc. Not today, I need rest, I'll look at it tomorrow. My wrists are about 7in, not six, my forearms are around 10.5in, not nine. That 14in for shoulder width is very odd looking where it is measured, not good at all. On second thought, quick adjustment of the Forearms Size (G3F body Morphs) from 15% to 25% and Arm Size (shape shift) from 25% to 50%, Now I feel better.
My wrists are 6.75 inches and I'm a built like a tank, very big bones and heavy set on top of that. Most women's bracelets sold are 7 inches, I'm most comfortable in 7.5 inch bracelets but they're hard to find, 8 is easier but usually styled for men. Point - 6 inch wrist is well within normal for a thin woman of normal bone structure.. you could push it to 6.5 but if you go any higher than that it will look strange on a size 4 to 8 woman. When I was in high school I was so skinny you could easily see my ribs just standing there straight, and I was a still a size 14 (high end of "normal", low end of "plus" for woman's sizes), that's how big my bones are to have 6.75" wrists, way thicker than most of the G3 characters, with the exception of maybe Olympia. Even Bethany still has the smaller (more normal) bone structure.
Edit: maybe even more telling.. I hadn't completely finished growing yet, I was about 5'4" (5'6" now), and even skin and bones I weighed 175 lbs, "normal" women would be around 115 lbs if they were that skinny.
Yea, noted about the casual person that dose not wield a weapon for a living, lol. funny thing with circumference measurements is you can change it a lot with little change to apparent diameter. two CM or about an inch bigger in forearm circumference (where the muscle bulk is) is only a fraction of an inch wider diameter. What was nagging at me was it did not look like she was strong enough to even lift that overgrown marching band baton, lol.
I keep intending to do that cube measurement of her shoulders with the extra arm volume. Nope, just shy of 17in, I'll need to sneak in another adjustment, possibly. Looks like about 16.8in (about 42.672cm), that may be close enough to not bother.
BTW, I hope them toon figures are not giving you to much fit morph grief, I honestly can't spring for them yet.
Positively Medieval...
Sounds a lot like my sister too...except when she finally stopped growing she topped out at 5'10.5"
eh, perhaps Victorian, it's not that bad. Sad thing is I did slam the size dials and the measurements didn't change much at all. With the arm size at 100%, the wrist is only at 6.5 inches circumference (long way away from 7.5). And there is a bigger issue I may have to find a solution to, the hand thickness stops looking like it is part of the arm at that level. You end up with a big round cylinder with a tiny flat thing at the end
I guess G3F is bound and determined to have that starved physique. It just is not worth loosing sleep over, see y'all on the flip side.
So feast, party, and have fun
Honestly I wouldn't try to change the wrists much, there aren't any muscules to bulk up there, just tendons, and when people put on weight very little of it goes to the wrists.
I concur on the wrists. I have pretty much the same bicep and forearm measurements as your morph (just a tad smaller), and about the same wrist circumference. My hands do look small on my 5'8" frame, although they are pretty much the "average female" size, according to wikipedia.
OK, and I concede on what I was attempting to do, it's close enough now, It is close to a ratio I was attempting to be in the range of. I've noticed for the most part, that between the upper leg and the arm, the cross section (diameter) of the arm is usually about half as wide as the leg or in the ball park of, not a third or a quarter of. It's now close enough.
waist vs hip size, I'm surprised how excited some are about that, yet I was measuring in the wrong spot before, I was looking at the tinniest part rather then some clothing location.
And even there, I feel that I am leaning to appease perception rather then reality, And yet it is not exactly clear. Looking at wikipedia (Thanks for the hint Kettu) it is mentioned in passing "In other cultures, preferences vary, ranging from 0.6 in China, to 0.8 or 0.9 in parts of South America and Africa, and divergent preferences based on ethnicity, rather than nationality, have also been noted." in the overview page, yet on the dedicated page on completely omits some of that, hmmm. So I decided before looking at the dedicated page to do some quick numbers, knowing that some info is scarce at best.
So I guess I was not so wrong in wanting to bring that "Abdomen Size" dial much higher then I did, tho what was done is done. I'm happy with a hip to waist ratio of 75% for her, it's a tad larger then the excepted norm of everyone must be 70% there regardless of how small they are, lol. OK, that was long winded and I have a lot of numbers to attempt to find, and I know it will be difficult at best based on another study I found a year or so ago.
out of all that, this was all they had for 'The new world'.
Not much, and not what I was looking for at the time, lol.
Speaking of features, I would like to point out something I've noticed after looking at many photos the past few days. This time round (for this post) allow me to show you two gentleman from opposite sides of the globe. I'm fairly sure there not related nor has there been a lot of genetic mingling between there cultures. And yet independent of each other they have striking similar features that I've noticed appears to be common between similar geographic types. Look at the nose.
One is at Mt Everest, the other in the Andes. I suspect that the nose shape helps with the aired environment and the altitude. Just something cool that I noticed
. Now back to the normal lack of a program, lol.
Oh, another cool thing, is all the use of vibrant colors in the cultures even tho there worlds apart.
They do look like they could easily be father and son.
Yea I had a similar thought when I had seen that fellow on Everest among the other pics in a google search. On an unrelated note, I've been tinkering with nuances and dials a few hours longer then I should have and need some rest. So this is where I left off.
I'm not completely happy with the nose shape, and a few other details. Getting there. Just the head and body dial so far, perhaps after some rest I can get the knees to be a tad better along with other areas.
(Edit 02Jan2017)
And days later, something a tad closer, I'm not totally happy with tho. The body shape uses Shape Shift extensively.
And there is a dial I may need to find a solution for. It's not much in the grand scheme of things, tho it would be nice to have that.
Morning, I need to locate that Measure Metrics thread. I have a few doubts about some things. Same exact dial settings as G3F2W (the one with the human skull above) with only the height dial adjusted for a shorter hight (and the dial will not go that short).
I think the tape angle is messing up a bit. Isn't the waist bust and hip measurements supposed to be horizontal?
Also, removing the Measure Metrics rig for an ERC thing is a bit of a PITA. There has got to be an easier way then uncheck-ing fifty pages of boxes.
As for ears for G3F1W, ah (cringe)
First off, I don't want to piss off FWSA by making a crummy looking rip-off of Fwsa Eve's ears for G3F. Second, without access to HD-voodoo-tools (including keyboard skulls and mouse candles, not to say the indoctrination rituals I want nothing to do with) there just is not enough geometry there to make it look good. I'll give it a shot for the sake of trying, tho I expect the results to be rather crap-tacular at best. And don't expect me to even show you the carnage of me trying for the very first reason listed, lol.
Happy New 2017, everyone!
I don't know for sure about the genetic makeup of people who live around Mt Everest in particular, but I have read that Native Americans came to North America from Asia, and they are related to the indigenous tribes of Northern Russia like the Chukchi.
Zarcon, here are a couple of drawings from a Russian textbook on sewing... looks like not exactly horisontal is OK:
Yes, that did escape me, Happy new year y'all.
I just finished uploading two more (I think) shape dials made in hex, along with another figure combo G3F2W2.
She is a tad sorter at 5ft 3in, yet not quite 4ft 8in. I'm sure some measurements may be way off, I didn't have a lot to work with. Some text with missing diagrams, some broken links, etc, lol.
OK, so that measure tape angle is correct, works for me.
Oh, I did think of starting from an Asian face dial and going from there. There isn't such in the base four morph sets, and I was not going to tack on another requirement.
There is some similarities, that much is true.
As for shoulder width, I may deviate on that 17inch suggestion for the next one. And I think I found some evidence to back up that decision. The fella on the right is 6ft 1in according to his blog.
I don't think the fella on the left has shoulders quite that wide. So perhaps some people shorter then six feet may have narrower shoulders.
Some will, certainly; even taller people may have narrow shoulders, but then they are generally of the extra slim type. Those who always look "skinny" even if they are male and work out; they just don't get any sort of mass on, not even muscle mass. Someone like Marco Hietala (known as the bassist / male singer of Nightwish these days). I've met him IRL, he's waaaay taller but hardly any wider.
And if we're talking average:
"The average man in the United States is 5-foot 10-inches tal, and weighs 172 pounds. His shoulder width is 18-1/4 inches."
"...the average adult female shoulder width is just under 17 inches or 43 cm."
Ah, thank you very much for the links Kettu. I was sipping coffee trying to wake up, and sitting on a PM because I was looking for a link that may be a tad more acceptable then a unsorted joke-pot of random photos. In any case, looks like the tiny icon-sized card posted before did possibly have more to it, and larger images. In any case, this appears to be the best I can locate (years after I first found the former posted card of faces), especial given that it dose not look like FaceResearch has that stuff on there site that I can locate.
I'm still a bit tired, I had some odd dreams about a Diictodon stalking me (What the?
). I have some housekeeping I need to do (Got a battery at 3.35v that I hope is just a loose wire, otherwise it's a very big lead acid mess back there
), then I want to try to make a more petite shorter morph.
I'm not the only one digging out dead stuff. I'm OK here, it's a clean kill. Pulled that off the line and will exchange it at daylight. The other fifteen look ok, probably just age. Now about that petite shorter morph, and a mystery symmetry thing in hex for selecting quads (ah, that's how).
You were right kettu, making elf ears is sort of relaxing... Until you try to turn them into a dial, lol. That will be a mess after SubD gets a hold of them, so not worth it. The Symmetry thing in hex dose work very nicely tho.
Diictodon, cool animal, thanks for the link =) But it looks to have been small, how did it dream-stalk you? By jumping out of bathroom fixtures?
In the dream it was a tad larger then that about the size of a dog, fox or wolf. After thought, it may have just been trying to dig me out of there. yea, weird at best, lol. So, back to the land of the awake, I think I have som cute ears now.
I added them to the morph extension zip top of the page.
I'm now thinking about some pose morphs for them, because some people can do a bit of controlled ear movement. Another thing I think would be kind of cute if I can figure out how to make and save them.
So more like a wolf or a fox? Wolf-size, now that would be rather intimidating.
Here's a neat graphic:
And those are cool ears!
I think G3F has movement bones in her ears, what do you see if you click the triangle menu of the scene tab and tick "show hidden nodes"? These could probably be saved as regular partial poses.
Thank you. and Face palm moment for me. I was just trying to figure out how to do that with D-formers and not get thick ear tips.
I also thought the bones on G3F for the ears was strictly for earring follow stuff.
The non-hidden ear bones do move the ears, exactly the way I was just trying to with D-formes, initially for added expression when others pose the figure.
I didn't think to look at those bones, because when you click the ear in the view field, only the head gets selected.
Thank you.
You're welcome! =)
We need a "cheers" smiley here.
BTW tonight it is Christmas in Russia.
merry christmas!
Thank you, Fisty!
And when my mother was a small child, they would celebrate both...because of my Russian great-grandmother.
Double the fun =)
And what about the Old New Year?
Don't know...all she talked about was Christmas. And I remember when I was a child and visiting my great-grandmother during the holidays she was always talking about both.