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I'd say 20C is too low unless you're wearing a light jacket. At work I have air conditioning (leaks as hell, there's a small washing tub on my desk dedicated to drip catching), and it's set to 23C. Then I can wear the same summer shirt that I had on my way to work in a 27C environment.
That's what Darc has our AC set to.. but then he's Swedish. I do get a bit chilly.
No wonder, if it's okay in Sweden to leave babies outside sleeping in below-zero temperatures =)
In Moscow, when the temperature is -25C or below in winter, kids can officially skip school. It's a somewhat rare occurrence. But in Yakutia, -25C is more like "normal" winter temperature.
20c is 68f, that is a tad chilly at times if your dressed wrong, lol.
21.1c is about 70F, I'm looking for the long sleeve t-shirts. 23.888c is about 75F is about right for working at home in sandals shorts and a t-shirt. 25c is about 77F and that is starting to get a tad worm. 26.666c is about 80F, and that is when it gets to worm for doing most stuff without breaking out in sweat, lol.
That there about best shows the range for me, and how Fahrenheit is not all that bad for describing human comfort temperature zones. For me, the difference between 24c and 25c is the difference between needing long sleeve cloths or not, and 26c is getting a tad worm (especially if the humidity is high). Way back in the days before electronics, it was easier to just make and reed thermometers with whole number precision marks, and as such Fahrenheit had a few more notches for describing narrow ranges in temp, where as Celsius was far better for describing drastic changes in temperature. Today it isn't that difficult to look at a digital thermometer and just read of "25.27778 C" (The temp at my desk today), where as back in the day you had to squint to see where the fluid level was between the one-degree marks on the glass thermometers. lol.
I've run into the same small range issues with computers comparing cooling solutions. A difference of one degree Fahrenheit dose not show up in some programs that only show Celsius without the decimal.
I need to proofread that as I thing the spell check got some words wrong, and I need to make coffee.
I took yesterday off to work on the computer some. I need to redo the back HDD power plugs, because my attempts to solder the aluminum wires on the sata power plugs did not take. I'm going to have to make my own sata power plugs as I don't have a single power supply here with copper wire on the sata plugs. Grrrrrrrrr. Time for some coffee.
P.S. I turned off the AC to make coffee (without blowing the breaker), and forgot to turn the AC back on. After watching a few vids, I noticed a bit of whet underarms around 79.0F. I need to run two more 20 amp circuits out here, one for the AC and the other for a new graphics card.
I totally missed the three posts on this page, I'm so sorry Kettu and Fistty. Didn't intend to beat that 20c into the ground per say, oops.
I was holding off on posting some numbers I fed threw the HP/watt spreadsheet, as I was not sure how much was rumor or not regarding the GTX1060 cards. I'm still looking at reviews, tho I already have my thoughts regarding Iray.
NX8600GT, why include that!? Only to point out that just because a card has "CUDA cores" dose not imply that the CUDA cores can do Iray. There are many cards that simply can not do Iray, and the 8600GT happens to be the one I have from years past.
I was really hoping for an 8GB Iray crunch card at less then 100 watts TDP. As I typed above, I'm still looking threw reviews and stats on the GTX1060. In a nutshell, 120 watts is still more then a hundred watts, and the 1070 and 1080 at stock settings are way the hell to hot for what I was looking for. I want to do Iray rendering, not perform experiments with "Negative Temperatures", lol.
The need to replace the dead G220fb is also going to make things 'difficult' for a bit longer. I was so hoping to be clicking "Buy now" on a card on the third, it dose not look like that is going to happen now. Ironically, The GTX1060 being the closest to that 100 watt target has two strikes against it, It dose not have 8GB, and it dose not have SLI support, so I guess a new display it is then.
I'm at work, and this computer has a 8800GT which cannot do Iray either. Despite having CUDA cores.
because working like this is painful on that side-display, there is not enough room to work with.
I'm still here, and working on my first cup of coffee. I did pick up four outfits in the past few months to look at, and that has been lingering on my to do list along with getting the wires back inside my workstation. A few months ago, I had noticed some poke threw spots on an EJ outfit on the lower legs, tho now I can't remember what outfit it was. All I remember was it was in the shape of an "L" on the Right leg, lol.
That is odd, didn't happen before with the GT730. Whenever I go to load mats on something or spin around in the view field, vids skip and stutter. Hmmm. The card is not getting to worm, yet it goes into some odd driver controlled under-clock mode thing with the GT740.
These GPU clocks are all over the place, and do not appear to throttle to anything logical at all. Not even for whatever window is in the foreground. At least the auto-clock throttling on the Odroid XU4 detects loads better then this driver, lol. Whatever, I'll deal with the clocks later, I have a poke threw spot to find.
It may have been fixed at this point, neither the VonDark or the Temple Guardian leg stuff appear to be having 'Difficulties' there now. I'll point that out here, as many outfits do have drastic problems in those spots on non-daz figures.
If it dose not fit G3F without fit morphs, it will not fit non-daz figures unless you make fit morphs for each and every single non-daz figure shape.
(Figure is EJ Graciana, with my Paloma AltShader for quicker test renders)
I suspect because it is taking a rather long time for PAs to ditch the faulty G3F shape in there modeling programs for whatever a hand full of PAs are using that dose work without adding a million fit morphs to make it fit the basic G3F shape in Daz Studio. I am noticing a few newer outfits that actually work, so there is improvement.
BTW, I am all to aware how painful it will be to fix the above and ALL the stuff in the pro bundles (TJ7 and former at least). The items will have to be brought back into the geometry editor program, and reshaped to actually fit G3F. Then all the UV-mapping, rigging, and JCMs will need to be done again from scratch on the new mesh. It is unfortunately the only way to properly fix most of the broken G3F stuff so it works on non-daz figure shapes via Auto-Follow.
(EDIT 23Nov2016)
Looks like the issue with the mask, was between the keyboard and the chair, lol.
The mask is not a conformal fitting item, and will not automatically conform to a figures shape. There are dials to adjust the shape of the mask for the figure it is on. The dial settings in the image was just a quick dial test, more tinkering will give better results.
The boots may not have "Fitted to" G3F first time around, they appear to work fine on most figure shapes today.
Yea, CUDA cores are kind of like pocket calculators to an extent. A good analogy of a gross simplification, The older ones are sort like a four function calculator, and over time the CUDA cores got more functions added to the hardwear logic in the GPU (like square root, then power-of, etc). Like wise, Iray needs a basic set of functions in the CUDA cores to work. The Iray driver dose do some stuff on the CPU that the older CUDA cores don't have, so long as a basic set of functions are in the CUDA cores. Analogy, old CUDA 1.0 cores like in the 8800GT only has four functions (plus minus divide and multiply), where as Iray needs roots and powers to use the CUDA cores (Or whatever the functions actually are, we don't need to know that). CUDA 2.0 cores have roots, yet dose not have the "power-of" function. The driver uses the CPU for the missing function(s), and runs the rest on the CUDA 2.0 cores. Then we have CUDA 3.0 cores and later CUDA cores that have all the functions needed by Iray, so it runs much better on them (for the most part as far as the 'analogy' is concerned). That is why some cards take more CPU to run Iray then others, and some cards can't do Iray at all.
Red cant do Iray at all, Yellow needs some CPU assistance, and Green and blue is 100% Iray capable. Furthermore I read that some cards do not work together with Iray, hence the extra blue zone. Supposedly cards in different colors in the above chart will not work together for Iray crunching (I've yet to verify if combining different cards with Daz Studio Iray behaves the same, it was on another forum for a different program).
I came across that info in far more technical terms on another forum as I was looking up what was needed for Iray, eons ago when Iray was in beta. The CUDA core version, the CUDA Driver version, and the Iray version are completely different things, and dose get quite confusing. Above I'm only talking about the logic circuits in the CUDA cores, the "CUDA core version". The CUDA driver version also has a minimum that Iray will work with, and it is completely different from the "CUDA Core Version" (I don't remember what the driver version is, tho there is a minimum "CUDA driver" version for Iray to work with CUDA stuff).
4GB minimum requierment. Yes, it is advised to have 4GB or more on the card. A single G3F HD figure with an outfit and hair ate up 2.4GB on my GT730 tests.
And that did not include a scene or anything else at all, just the HD figure above. FWSA Paloma, Endless Summer Ponytail, Strappy Bikini, and Wskirt with Fabric Basics Iray.
OK, time to play my not so favorite G3F game, "Dose it fit?", lol
It is one thing when I'm testing something that is clearly a 'Beta' or 'Alpha', however it is completely different when I go to 'Purchase' something. I kind of expect something that costs money, "To Just Work" without grief.
Irelia Bikini by DES.
At first glance it looked good on Ej Graciana (with custom "Down There" adjustments as well), with no poke threw or gaping gaps that I can see. However immediately I find myself playing another game... as soon as I went to put mats on the bikini.
That is something I do not look forward to, on to the next outfit. By the way, congrats DES
, you have graduated up to the realm with only three other PAs (so far) with outfits that actually fit G3F figures without grief. The others being Fisty, Lilflame, and OOT. I have a few more outfits to look at, so the number 'hopefully' will go up. I am aware that originally there was a shape that PAs had to work with that was not the same as the final G3F shape, and that is why so much early stuff dose not work. However the pandemic of stuff that dose not work extends out past the TJ7 pro bundle, so it is a sad state of affairs to put it lightly. I am ecstatic that DES managed to make something that fits non-daz figures without resorting to using D-formers.
Lazy Nights by OziChick...
Well, the panties appear to be good at first glance. However quite a few figures have difficulties under the breasts. Exactly where Beta-G3F and Final-G3F had changed shape (Deduced by looking at where all the problems keep showing up Every Single Time).
To be fare, there is some adjustments, tho nothing for the problematic spots under and on the outer sides of the breasts. There is room for improvement there.
Glimmer for G3F by Adiene, and Silver...
I appear to be having some technical difficulties. I see the figure, tho not the outfit, hmmm. (Oops, I never got the Gossamer Outfit, just the figure. My bad. TBC... after the 3rd of next month)
Tropical Style Outfit by Nikisatez...
The 'Sarong' and Bikini Bottom do fit without grief, tho some figures may have some difficulty on the rear with the Bikini Bottom (LY Jessenia is not one of them).
The top on the other hand dose need to be adjusted a tad for some figures (including for LY Jessenia). That is a Drastic improvement over former works, Thank you Nikisatez
and Daz3d.
I said four outfits, what else did I pick up the past two months (Goes to look).
FM for G3F? I like the 3DL and Iray labeled Icons, Thanks to whomever made this (Flipmode OK).
No difficulties at all with Saiyaness's Priya for G3F.
The front of the outfit is flawless when spinning the dials, and the back appears to be close enough for 'Smoothing' to smooth over the shoulder blades and "Back side" anomalies. That is nothing like the TJ7 Leo that dose not fit anyone (Except A3, lol) without resorting to D-formers. The undershirt dose have a few adjustments to work with, tho I would like a tad more then just an "Expand all" for the Panties where those poke threw spots are on the back. Over all "Not bad" Flipmode.
Disclaimer. I did not put these outfits threw a full testing, I only tried them on a random figure or two in the 'T'-pose with the arms down. I do not know how any of them work being posed or on other figures, yet. Also I bring up three PAs by name, Fisty, Lilflame, and OOT. I have only done beta testing for one of them, and have never had so much as a dialog with the other two. I know from testing them that one PA's stuff dose indeed work, and I have simply Never had difficulties with the other two PA's outfits fitting G3F figures.
Thanks for this explanation! I understand it now. Kinda like, say, the difference between 1990s Pentium models: does the CPU have the MMX instructions etc =D
Yep, and MMX vs 3Dnow vs programs to work with them.
So I'm finding it rather difficult to Multitask with the G22fb fallback display, as you probably can see in the former screen-cap. I've run into a rut of putting off working on stuff to ketch up on other stuff, and thinking about future options. It boils down to two competing angles with displays, Display size in pixels vs the DPI of the display.
I still work a lot with schematics and stuff that is not photographs, and NASA eons ago determined the optimum DPI of a display was around 95dpi for the least strain on the eyes (And I found that to be correct for the past thirty years I've been around). Any higher and the eye starts to strain to see the fine lines on the display, any smaller and the display gets rather large to work with (your using your neck more then your eyes to pan a page of text).
Further more, the number of pixels total can limit how much stuff can be on the display at the same time. to narrow and I lose tha ability to have two windows open side by side at a time, to short and there is not enough room to see a full page of a PDF legibly without scrolling.
The old CRT did have two major advantages that Flat panels just can't do this day and age. Foremost to paraphrase an ancient Television add, introducing a forth color, black. no mater what angle I look at my IPS panels regardless of the settings, they do not do black. It is either a off shade of gray, or a reflection of the stuff in the room behind me. Second off, if I needed to look at larger diagrams with lots of important details everywhere, the G220fb could go beyond 1600x1200 without any artifacts at all. A flat panel only looks good at it's native resolution without horrible artifacts, so I'm stuck with whatever resolution the display was made for.
So, I've been thinking about that a lot the past few days. Do I get another 1920x1200 IPS that matches my other display, or break the bank on a 2560x1440. The larger display would give me more room to work with, however it is not the same height as my other display (B243pwl).
In any case, I think I've caught up for the most part with my subs, so it's time to get some coffee and hammer out some Alt Shaders. Then I'll see what I can do for mats for that Balance beam. While I do that, here is a funny vid by another 'Dave' that I kind of like, and is kind of appropriate to what I'm working with at the moment, lol.
The first few minutes is kind of funny and good, the rest gets rather technical.
I don't have much for him I guess.
Tho I did manage to make some progress, My apologies for it taking so long.
It looks like G3M basic has a couple of makeup options (Just two to be exact), and I still need to look at M7.
Ah, it's almost imperceptible, tho one is with a bit of beard hair stubble, and the other is without. Well, That's G3F, V7, and G3M done, now for M7.
Well, yesterday got a tad interesting after I started applying the V7 settings onto M7 with his maps. At first I thought the settings were wrong looking at the drastic difference between G3M and M7 yesterday. Tho this morning after looking at M7 and V7 side by side, it's not that bad.
So, I will pick up from there, and hopefully there is no distractions like the storms that rolled threw yesterday. I never got a screen-cap of the radars, because the power was just to unstable to load up the webpage and save the image between strikes (I gave up on the third attempt). There was a massive red line of clouds across the Southern part of NH on the Doppler, and I was in the middle of it, lol.
So, with that excitement past, on to M7's AltShaders. In the former post, the variation was with the Diffuse Strength ranging form 90% on the left to 100% on the right, I kind of like the 95% strength in the middle. It's not to blown out in the view field and looks OK in spot renders.
Looks like V7 has a few more map options to work with then M7, hmmm.
And I just ran into a brick wall that I can not discuss in specific details on the forum. In a nutshell, there is an On/Off switch in the Actor settings that needs to be saved with the Material presets for the mats to look correct, and the switch state dose not appear to be savable at all, even as a separate item let alone combined with the mat preset. I need to think about this for a little bit any way.
BTW, yes, I am all to aware that the other project will run late for what it is. I'm still thinking about how I'm going to work around the odd shading on the corners of the steps.
More on that after I save some M7 presets and get that packed up.
OK, this is broken. The switch won't even save it's state with a Scene Subset. It only shows up in the "Properties Preset" and "Shaping Preset" save windows, and those two will not even save weather the switch was on or off. The only way to save the state of the switch is with a complete full 'Scene' save.
It is sort of important as the two map options only work well if it is used with the switch in the intended state for the maps. Not to say that Scene subset thing kind of breaks the way I save figures after I get them all set up. And no, the other save methods do Not work either with this switch.
The save functions do NOT save the state of the switch, and the load functions do NOT alter the state of the switch.
I can only ascertain that it is an evil not made of normal matter from this universe, and operates outside the laws of this this Space-Time.
I did manage to gat a shaping preset to alter the switch by editing it in notepad++
however that dose not address the other save malfunctions regarding the stubborn switch.
Don't cut into batteries, just don't.
I was wearing protection and in an appropriate environment when I did that to the battery, and I was surprised when the wire-strippers punctured the battery. It contained liquid rather then a jell, and could have gone far worse then it did had I not been protected. Whatever you do, just don’t do that to batteries, just don’t.
Onto the next thing, assuming that 'Hack' did the trick.
I'm guessing I'm going to have to adjust the height of the gents a tad to get them all lined up in a nice neat row. Hmmm.
Well, there is one, now for the preset paths and such.
OK, I have a few things to rework after bouncing that Alt shader thing off someone. One thing that I totally goofed was the underscores from old hobbits. Another being the folder path names. And yes, G3F has to much Orange, I need to fix that.
I was initially only going to do up eye color presets as that is what I use the most myself, tho the two extra map options was easy to put in there so I did that.
Now I have a problem, they do not have enough options to justify separate folders, and I have stuff in the 'Eyes' folders that is not eye colors. Perhaps I'll cal the folders "Eyes n stuff", tho I want the folder names short so Zip dose not kick folder name length errors. I may need to rename the entire tree (I can't go to 3200x2400 to screen-cap paths any more, that CRT died), So much to consider.
V7 appears to be the only one I have that needs the Cornea set to opaque for the Iris to not have a ring around it.
I initially intended it to be a preset that could be applied to other figure maps, however those eyes are going to be an issue with that. I will see what I can do, as I have a list of stuff to go threw (including the odd bump strength).
It is an incredible amount of work just to change the bump strength, as it effects every single makeup option as well.
(I think that is done now). Now that the eyes are fixed for V7, those presets will not work at all on anybody else, as all the other PAs figured out how to make Iris maps without that ring so the Cornea can be a real lens (I tried to make it more universal and it failed, Oh well). Oh, and one other thing. Because V7's maps (or was it G3F, I forgot) have lipstick going beyond the lip zone, I can't do separate lip and makeup options for her without it looking very bad.
P.S. folder paths vs DUF files.
Some stuff has problems if the DUF files are not in the folder that is encoded into the duf file, so I may need to re-save them all any way. I can't just rename the folders and be done with it.
Redoing the G3F base AltShader.
I kind of like the looks of this, matches much better for G3M and G3F being siblings. And a major bonus, is that the eye maps let the Cornea be a lens, so the Shader will work on other figures unlike the revamped V7 shaders.
Then again, I may need to work on that a tad more, hmmm.
Or I could just base all the skin tones off of me, tho whom want's a family of zathras's running ramped in there runtime, lol. Much to be do-ings, not much time.
And yes, I will need to remake every one of the icons as the mats don't match the old ones.
Why is the bump min/max inverted on the teeth? Ugh. This wrong tool, never use this. lol.
Something has been bugging me about something I've read yesterday, and now it adds up why some figures lack particular maps. I think I've given misguided grief to particular PAs, when in fact the PAs did not have access to the tools to make the extra maps in the first place. I do not know the full extent of it, tho I guess there is a privileged few among the PAs and the rest must purchase Pro bundles out of pocket just to have the stuff needed to make the extra gen maps
. I just happen to be lucky enough to have had the extra 'Monetary Units' to purchase such things only to be tormented by the glitchy prosthetics.
Oppss.... forgot to test the teeth.. sowwwy.. >.<
It wasn't a prob till I went to adjust the bump on the glossy stuff all selected together (nails, teeth, eye moisture, etc). 3delight is a tad funny with that anyway and just goes with the flow sometimes (inverting the whatever to keep positive positive and negative negative), besides it's a bump map.
And I'm still having second thoughts about how yellow G3F/G3M are, looking at the lighting in the various photos.
I was mostly worried about the mat preset 'hack' that well, I typed to much already, daz daz daz.
Are you using the "skin" mode for skin materials, or "plastic"? "Skin" has those adjustable colours for sheen etc, gives a bit more flexibility.
Skin mode is a tad glitchy from what I remember, and it renders far slower then the default mode for setting up scenes.
It's not just a matter of what it looks like in render, it's how easy it is to see what is going on in the OpenGL view-field as well.
Hmm, all modes look exactly the same in the viewport for me. The "skin" mode does render a bit slower, but, like, several seconds slower.
But either way, if you're concerned with the viewport and if it's all for preview purposes primarily, does it really matter how "yellow" those characters turn out to be? =)
Yea, I just imagine a tad bit of 'criticism' from a lot of people if it is too far from 'normal' looking, Even tho the same settings look fantastic on other figure's maps.
That and I have a few other 'beginner' mistakes I'm working on fixing. I thought I fixed that inverted min/max thing, why is it back on the teeth bump maps, grrrrrr. Time to flush the shader cache folders and look at that again.
(altered screen-cap from a "Paul's Hardware" and "Awesomesauce Network" live feed)
Just some WIP stuff, for putting one figures shader settings onto another figure with the target figures maps.
And so on. Because sometimes the maps get dropped when doing the Ctrl-click "Ignore maps" when applying a shader to some figures.
Oh, and "Template 8" is eye moisture and requires no maps... unless your faking an environment and need to put an environment reflection map there.
Other notes.
If the maps are dropped, it can be much easier to go into the zones shown above, select each map button and put any map in there from the target figure (even if it is the wrong map) from the drop down list of maps. Then select the map again and select 'Brows', as that will then bring you to the correct folder for that figure. It's a lot easier then shuffling back to the same folder path each and every time for each map slot.
I have noticed that some PAs use the same settings for most of there figures and change the maps for different skin tones. That makes it really easy to make a preset for one of the figures, then simply apply that to the other figures. There will always be variations and some exceptions, tho it should not be to difficult to make and save them as you work on different projects over time.
Just select Skin-Lips-Nails in the surface tab, and then while holding the 'Ctrl' key click on EyeSocket and then Mouth. Then when you adjust the colors in the boxes, it will adjust all the zones that are skin tone based. It's not that difficult, it just takes a little bit if fussing around with the interface to figure out how to do these things.
As for the rework, I have a new cover render as well....
Above is the old settings, below the new ones.
Not much at all on V7 and M7. G3F and G3M did change a tad.
Just a little ramblings for today. I've done a little more work with Yulia's alt shader, and forgot about the nails I had put on her eons ago.
Also I was watching Scott Manly play a game and in the vid it was brought up that some combinations of letters and numbers are censored. The particulars while not of much importance to many are a tad interesting, because Scott was playing a space game I immediately thought of some rocket stuff and not a Samsung product, lol.
So, I guess if I want this post blocked from Console viewers, all I need to do is mention something with "S-"# in it, like STS-135 or STS-134, the "S-1" kicks the block condition, lol. Yea, I guess I think of the oddest things at times, tho I was also thinking that there was an "S-4B" rocket stage at one time as well, tho the SRB will do. They do go for one hell of a cool ride on there way back down, There is some sound in almost-space apparently and they hit the upper (or lower?) atmosphere heard.
And no, I honestly do not care what your viewing my thread on, it was only an interesting thought regarding text filters vs harmless chatter.
And yes, I'm fooling around with glass again, just a random idea.
No ALUs? Bypass the normalizer on the input and output of the FPU and it becomes an ALU.
"LtPE" is an abbreviation for 'Linear to Parallel Execution'.
And for those that are curious, that is the old smaller sibling. It's not a real CPU, just an idea.
In the beginning Bell created the diode and the transistor, and Bell divided the light from the glass, and the die was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the chip...
And the Alpha team moved upon the lab floor, and they said "Let there be light", and there was Photonic logic, and Alpha ran on light. lol.
I made the mistake today of going out to shop around to see what was in local shops for a "graphic design" IPS monitor, I'm not sure what I was thinking. I felt like I was stepping out of the present threw my front door and back into the early 2000s. Most places only had TN panels, and the two IPS panels I located were only 1080p. In fact the monitors that one place had were various sizes from 19inch to somewhere around 27inch and every single one of them was 1080p resolution. All the other places were selling 1080p or smaller resolution TN panels. I found a lot of "HD" 30 inch 720p TFT monitors on sale at one place, and I decided at that point I wanted to come home to more modern times. Even if that implies I must play the dead pixel and back-light bleed-threw lottery.
The last display I had that was lacking vertical pixels that bad, was a Green and Black CRT. My first SVGA display was a 1280x1024 CRT, and I never looked back. What a painful experience it was today to see what is sold in these parts.
If your into 'Digital technological devices' do not move to New England, we apparently still live in the pre-digital age here, lol.
With luck, I should have a 2560x1440 IPS monitor with no dead pixels and no back-light bleed-threw by Friday. Is hoping any way. That also implies I will not be getting any graphics cards to test for the remainder of the month, such as things are at this point. My apologies for my horrible luck.
It's not just there... I have two 25.5" 1920x1200's and you know one of them is dieing. It's not going to be at all easy to find a replacement for it if I can't fix it. Even if you can find more than 1080 pixels high it's still in the wide aspect ratio that I hate. I have two monitors side by side, I don't need them wider, it need them taller. Next time I replace monitors I'm going to look for ones that can be turned sideways.
Wide-aspect panels are not useful for those of us with presbyopia - if the middle is in focus with out work glasses the edges are out of focus and vice versa (this is a slight problem with 16:10 ratio screens, but not as bad - at least with a 24" display).
My B243pwl (discontinued) can be rotated into tall format with the driver and mount for it, unfortunately at 16x10 or 6x9 ratio it is simply to tall to look at comfortably unless the bottom of the display is below the keyboard. Back in the days of 4x3 ratio displays it was far better. I honestly think "wide screen" was the worst thing to ever happen, as it made production displays to rare and to expensive for almost everyone. It saddens me to think of it this way, I could have purchased a jacked up price brand new GTX 1070, for what that IPS monitor just cost me. I had other things I wanted to do this month, It hurt.
I went with 1440 because I kept running into the vertical 1200 limit on the B243pwl, and I no longer have a G220fb to toss windows over to for more pixels to see the whole thing. The 2560 width of the PB278Q dose have me a tad worried even tho there is room on the desk for it. It may or may not be a good thing, I don't know yet, it was something I was unable to check out when I went out this morning to look around.
I so forgot to check for links, douh. Odd that almost all the reviews out there talk about gaming stuff and do not even mention brightness or color consistency across the screen.
Another reason I wanted to go out and look at them before buying one.
Here is a good link to a review of the panel consistence of a few displays, if it works.
Both the B243pwl, and the PB278Q is tested by them.
And even for me, it strains my eyes to be constantly going back and forth. Not exactly painful, just tiring, if not fatiguing to read stuff at different distances as you describe. At least with the old 4:3 ratio displays you could tilt the outer ones at an angle to limit that some.
It was part of the reason I made my desk the way it is.
The wide screens panels need to be at more of an angle then the old G220fb CRTs.
Building the desk at my dads, and then when I got it to my place...
I got the computer put in there just in time for a hurricane to come threw, so I have some bad luck I guess, lol.