Ummm. Can someone walk me through this or post a screenshot or something? I even uninstalled / reinstalled. And File (and the rest) aren't there to the left, because look - even if I minimize the window, Tools and Window are still flush left.
Your Configuration file for DAZ Studio has been corrupted. That is a File that lives from install to install unless hand removed from your PC. Let me hunt the proper file down. What is your OS? Win 7 64bit?
Unfortunately I'm not 100% sure which file is the Config file only. I have sent out a help request for the info to the other Admin's. Please give me time to get the proper answer.
C:\Users\You\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4. With DS closed remove layout.dsx, menus.dsx, toolbars.dsx and actions.dsx then start DS.
AppData is hidden by default - you may need to go to Folder Options in the control panel and enable the display of hidden files and folders to get there.
Windows > Workspace > Select Layout. Change it then change it back to what you had. It should reset it.
I don't have those options in the Window tab.
Not tab, menu - it's just visible at top-left in your screenshot.
Ummm. Can someone walk me through this or post a screenshot or something? I even uninstalled / reinstalled. And File (and the rest) aren't there to the left, because look - even if I minimize the window, Tools and Window are still flush left.
Window MENU. OPEN the Window MENU do Select LAYOUT pick a layout...
Eh. What the hell did I do!? I don't even have those options in the Window tab.
This is Daz Studio 4.6 Pro (64-bit), FYI.
And the FULL status bar was definitely there last night before I managed to muck it all up.
Your Configuration file for DAZ Studio has been corrupted. That is a File that lives from install to install unless hand removed from your PC. Let me hunt the proper file down. What is your OS? Win 7 64bit?
Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (64-bit)
And thanks! :)
Unfortunately I'm not 100% sure which file is the Config file only. I have sent out a help request for the info to the other Admin's. Please give me time to get the proper answer.
C:\Users\You\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4. With DS closed remove layout.dsx, menus.dsx, toolbars.dsx and actions.dsx then start DS.
AppData is hidden by default - you may need to go to Folder Options in the control panel and enable the display of hidden files and folders to get there.
Richard, you are KING!
Have been trying to resolve this for some time now without success, now it's back to normal....
A big THANKS :)
I'm glad that was useful.
Glad this was here... HUGE help!!
press f3 then click on defaults apply accept.